



Health Doctors have long known that cutting back on salt or sodium can help lower blood pressure in folks with hypertension, a silent condition that increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. What hasn't been so clear is whether reducing the amount of sodium in the diet will benefit those whose blood pressure is normal. Now comes word that restricting salt can indeed lower normal blood pressure level. Though the effect isn't as great, it’s still important, according to a study published in The New England Journal of medicine.


The decrease in blood pressure occurred regardless of race or gender and whether or not study participants ate a "typical American diet”, which is high in saturated fats and contains few fruits and vegetables or the so-called DASH (for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, which emphasis lots of fresh produce, low-fat dairy, fish and fewer sweets and which was proved in 1997 to reduce hypertension. The biggest decrease in blood pressure in this study was recorded in subjects who ate the DASH diet and reduced their sodium intake to 1200mg a day.


Why is this significant? Public-health experts estimate that Americans consume, on average, about 3500mg of sodium equal to about 9 grams of salt- daily. It’s not that we're that heavy-handed with the saltshaker. Most of our dietary sodium is added during food processing. To get down to 1200mg, you’d have to forgo most prepared foods, take-out deliveries and restaurant meals.


So pay attention to how much salt you're eating, but don't forget to make fruits, vegetables and whole grains a larger part of your diet. They’ll help lower your cholesterol level as well as your blood pressure. Be sure to drink alcohol moderately, if at all. Losing weight-even just 4.5kg-and exercising at least 30 minutes most days of the week can also have a marked effect on blood pressure.


Check food labels. Pasta sauces, sandwich breads and frozen dinners often contain lots of sodium.


And remember, even if you don't have to worry about this now, you probably will eventually. Half of US adults have a blood pressure of at least 120/80 mmHg, which is at the high end of what's considered ideal and blood pressure usually increases with age. “We can't put everyone on drug therapy, ”says Dr. Frank Sacks of the Brigham Women's Hospital in Boston and the chairman of the DASH-Sodium Sodium Study. But everyone can try to do with a dash of less salt.



