




1、Chronicles of Huayang

2、Annals of Huayang Country

3、Huayang National Annals

4、Records of the States South of Mount Hua

5、Annals of the Kingdom South of Mount Hua

紧接着又遇到了《新繁县志》、《广安州新志》、《什邡县志》、《三台县志》、《中江县志》等诸多地方志,于是笔者便去中国地方志网(zgdfz/)和中国方志网(difangzhi.cssn/)去查询这些方志有没有英文名称,查询过程中笔者发现这两个网站关于方志的译法也不相同,一个用Local Records,一个用Local Chronicles,此时笔者已经由一脸茫然变成两脸茫然。本着严谨务实的态度,笔者又进行了进一步查询,看看国外学者是如何翻译的。笔者在杜克大学图书馆中国研究部分(见guidesbrary.duke.edu/c.php?g=289252&p=7631916),发现西方学者在翻译地方志时采用的是Local gazetteers,其定义如下:

定义1:Local gazetteers (difangzhi or fangzhi for short), sometimes also called local histories ... they were often compiled by members of the local elite and were produced under the sponsorship of the local officials. ... They form one of the most important sources for the study of Chinese history in the past one thousand years, since they contain copious materials on local administration, local economies, local cultures, local dialects, local officials, and local dignitaries - materials that often cannot be found elsewhere. (该定义引自Chinese history: a manual (Revised and Enlarged) by Endymion Wilknson; Harvard University Press, 2000)。

定义2: Local gazetteers (地方志) embrace all types of information concerning the historical, geographical, economic, administrative, biographical, touristic, etc., aspects of a locality in China. Local gazetteers are usually subdivided into provincial gazetteers (通志), prefectural gazetteers (府志), and district gazetteers (县志). The provincial gazetteers were usually compiled by summarizing the information in the prefectural gazetteers which were, in turn, abridged from previous editions and form the individual district gazetteers”.(该定义引自China bibliography: a research guide to reference works about China past and present by Harriet T. Zurndorfer. Brill, 1995.)

通过上述查询,笔者用来翻译“方志”的常用单词主要有(Local) Chronicles、Annals、(Local) Records以及(Local) Gazetteer,偶尔还用history。


Chronicle: a historical account of events arranged in order of time usually without analysis or interpretation(按时间顺序记录的历史事件,通常对所记录的事件不作分析或解释)。

Annals: a record of events arranged in yearly sequence(按年度顺序记录的事件)。

从定义来看,Chronicle与Annals二者的区别并不明显。笔者又作了进一步查询,发现Annals may be described as brief chronological listings of events regarded as important in the history of a kingdom, bishopric, or monastery, etc. Chronicles list such events in chronological order also, but they furnish more detail, deal with the past, even the remote past, as well as with the contemporary period.


Record: something that records。Record的概念就比较宽泛了,任何通过一定手段保存下来的信息都可以称之为记录。

Gazetteer: a book or list that is arranged in alphabetical order and gives information about places。从定义来看Gazetteer对应的是中文地名辞典、地名索引之类的东西,与中文的地方志似乎相去甚远,至于西方学者为什么用这个词来翻译“方志”,笔者目前还未查询到相关资料,也请懂这方面的小伙伴不吝赐教。

从方志的定义来看,其中一个显著特点就是地域性,因此翻译时加上Local更为准确。由于中英文化不同,英语中并无与“志”完全对等的词汇,在词意上比较接近原意的当属local chronicles。在日常翻译工作者,笔者建议方志采用local chronicles或者西方学者普遍接受的local gazetteers。




