
10 active learning Ideas that involve technology10个涉及技术的主动学习理念


1. Collaborative Virtual Classrooms 协同虚拟教室

Collaborative virtual classrooms make online learning more engaging. Aside from the usual audio-video conferencing and chat features, virtual classrooms also provide synchronous and asynchronous annotation, communication, and resource sharing for facilitators and participants. It’s a definite must-have for any eLearning platform!



2. Mind mapping and Brainstorming 思维导图和头脑风暴

These two are approaches that can also be classified under active learning methods. Mind mapping and brainstorming are staple methodologies for any problem-solving activity. In these sessions, learners come up with ideas and post them on a board. As a group, the students then select the best ones and use those to come up with a solution. For these methods, there are available apps that allow learners to use their own device and collaborate with others in coming up with a mind-map or idea tree.



3. Scavenger Hunts 寻宝游戏

Here is another fun and engaging activity that involves the use of the company knowledge base. Scavenger hunts start off with a customer concern. The learner’s task is to use the system and find the appropriate resource to address the issue. Not only does it familiarize the learners with the system, but it also prepares them to handle real-life customer scenarios.



4. Role Playing 角色扮演

Role playing is also another effective approach founded on active learning methods. Role playing simulates real-life situation that requires problem-solving skills. More importantly, it is also a medium for gauging actual performance. Role playing activities can include job simulations like customer interaction (facilitator plays the customer, learner the agent) through the phones, email, chat, or in some cases, virtual reality.



5. Data and Tools for Problem-solving 数据和工具解决问题

A combination of a scavenger hunt and role-playing activity, this exercise is one of the more effective active learning strategies for adults. The assigns a case-study (preferably taken from common customer scenarios) to a learner. The learner, in turn, makes sense of the data and uses the available resources to solve the case.



6. Online Discussion Boards 在线讨论板

Online discussion boards are also one of many proven active participation strategies. Online boards are virtual boards where students can learn collaboratively. They post questions and answer queries. Most of the time, there is very little facilitator or subject matter expert intervention involved, with most answers usually coming from the other participants who are more knowledgeable on the topic.



7. Learning by Teaching 教学相长

In a nutshell, learning by teaching means that you allow learners to prepare and teach the lessons (or part of them) to their fellow students. Although it may look like the facilitator is taking a very hands-off approach in this method, it actually involves a very elaborate process where the facilitator is both moderator and subject matter expert.

Do take note that learning by teaching does not simply mean a presentation or a lecture presented by the learners. In this particular approach, the learners are the ones who are facilitating the session by engaging with fellow students. The facilitator ensures that the learning gets processed correctly and also lends a hand to the student-hosts. Webinars and online discussion boards are the usual media used for this methodology.




8. The Jigsaw Technique 拼图技术

The Jigsaw Technique is another approach that fully reaps the benefits of active participation and collaborative learning. In this approach, learners are given a “piece of the puzzle” that they need to solve on their own. After this, they need to collaborate with other learners to finally complete the puzzle.

This approach would be a good addition to role playing and using data/tools to not only solve bigger problems but also gives participants a glimpse of the ‘bigger picture.’ It is a good exercise to let learners realize their role in the bigger picture by doing both individual and collaborative work and how those are all part of a process.



9. The‘Flipped Classroom’翻转课堂

The flipped classroom is a fairly new term in the learning and edtech industry. Lessons are ‘flipped;’ meaning that most of the work like reading and research are all done outside of class. This goes in contrast to the traditional approach where most of the class time is used for lectures, and activities are assigned as homework.

Flipping a classroom leaves more time for the facilitator to implement active learning methods during class time. This concept works on making efficient use of class time with less (or no) lectures, and more time for activities.




10. Game-based Learning 基于游戏的学习

GBL is, arguably, the most fun among all the active learning methods. Game-based learning, or gamification, is turning a certain aspect of learning (or business) into a game. There are available learning apps that let you do this, but you can also create your own! Just don’t forget to apply the three elements of gamification – achievement, competition, and fun – into the endeavor.



The ever-evolving relationship between tech and learning methods技术与学习方法之间不断发展的关系

There are still multitudes of activities for active learning methods out there. With the help of technology, learning managers and professionals have been presented more options on how to better engage today’s tech-dependent audience. Nevertheless, it will now only be a matter of time before tech advances again and learning methodologies evolve with it. Learning professionals just have to either keep up and adapt or get disconnected from their learners.




