




工作太累,好久都没有听歌和看书了。 最近开始文化课充电,周末借了本张小娴的书,虽然几年前就看过,不过现在看时还是感触很多,说明我还是个小姑娘哩; 在网上下载了时下流行的歌曲,以及之前特别喜欢的老歌,其中百听不厌的还是小柯写在电视剧{贫嘴张大民的幸福}生活中的插曲,叫“悲伤三重奏”,旋律很美,有点郁伤,歌词写得非常好。 去深圳工作前曾经很迷这首歌,所以当时就把歌词翻译成了英语,可惜翻译得不太好,英语水平有待提高。 今天加了一天班,明天又要开始一个工作周了,加油! 北方的冬天是那种干冷,冷得十分清澈,没有泥沙,没有尘土。你感受到的只有纯纯粹粹的冷。这样的时候,我只是想和你聊聊。你是不是也会有这样的时候,风吹过街道引起你熟悉的感觉,一下子想起了远方胜过从前?你是不是也曾有过在华灯初上的冬夜,看着四周的万家灯火,觉得自己其实是个孤单的人?也是不是会有一首早已经不再流行的歌,却一直在你心深处?The winter in the South is humid but chill to the core, with no attack of sandstorms, so you can experience a sheer bitterly cold winter. In such a season and such a place, I always have an intention of shooting the breeze with my friends. Do you often have such a feeling that your memory is driven back to the remote past when the wind blows through the streets? Do you often have such a feeling that you feel pretty lonely walking along the lights-lit buzzing street at a winter night? Is there a used-to-be popular song still treasured at the bottom of your heart? 也许你不曾远离家门,也许你一直拥有温暖,也许你可以逃避失落,但会不会有那么一瞬,熟悉幻化为陌生,而你不知为何你在这里?在人心、信息、知识都迅速更新的这个时代里,你还会不会相信永恒?在日月星辰都被证明不会永远的这个时代里,你还会愿不愿意不变?在对与错也无截然划分的这个世界上,你还会不会执著真理?当距离已经不再是生活的障碍,你还会不会相守一生?Maybe you are actually not far away from home; maybe you are, as always, embraced by warmth; maybe you can find any excuse to escape from annoying depress, but always you are suddenly seized by a blast of gloom----you don’t know why you are here, a totally strange place. In the era featuring explosive information, knowledge and human resources, do you still believe in eternity? In face of such a changeable world, are you willing to change yourself? In face of such a diversified and open-minded world, are you willing to pursue the truth? When distance is not a barrier of life, are you able to live lifelong with your beloved? 如果路的尽头不再是家,如果心的深处不再有温暖,如果戴了面具的你不再感到疲惫,你有没有想过重新开始?当高楼阻碍了蓝天,当岁月模糊了记忆,你会不会觉得这个世界有些不同?当你在行色匆匆的路人当中放缓你的脚步,当你在繁华喧嚣的街头驻足你的身影,你会不会突然觉得有一种不能融入的尴尬?谁说长安街的落叶不是风景,谁在乎窗外的绿缺少春意,谁不希望风起的时候,路,不再独走……北方的冬天是那种干冷,冷得十分清澈,没有泥沙,没有尘土,你感受到的只有纯纯粹粹的冷,这样的时候,我只是想,和你聊聊……When you are no longer homesick and family conscious, when you are no longer softened by a delicate feeling from a kind heart and when you are accustomed to disguising yourself in front of others, do you seek to set up a new start? When you cannot afford much time to search for a real you in your heart, and when the passage of time blurs any momorable moments, do you think you are a changed person? When you slow down your steps in the flow of passengers or when you have a short stay at a bustling street, do you find yourself hard to affiliate into such an atmosphere? The winter in the South is humid but chill to the core, with no attack of sandstorms, so you can experience a sheer bitterly cold winter. In such a season and such a place, I always have an intention of shooting the breeze with my friends

