

一般过去时常表示在过去某一个特定的时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,此时常和表示过去的特定的时间状语连用。这些时间状语有:yesterday, yesterday evening, last night, the night before last(前天晚上),last year, last spring(去年春天)以及three days/months/years ago等等。注意,这些时间状语之前不需加介词,比如不能说:at last night*,in last year*或in three years ago*等等。请看例句:

  1. I saw him in the library yesterday morning.我昨天早上在图书馆看到他了。
  2. I began to learn English ten years ago.我10年以前开始学习英语。
  3. I bought this computer three years ago.我三年以前买的这台电脑。


  1. He was late for school this morning.他今天早上上学迟到了。
  2. I was tired last night, so I went to bed early.我昨晚感到很累,所以早早地上床睡觉了。

上述例子均表示在过去某一特定的时间点(a specific point of time in the past)发生的动作或状态,可以图示为:



The local shopping mall sells everything from tires to tuna fish. I was there around noon and stopped at the lunch counter for a slice of pizza. I ate only half of it and threw my leftovers in a nearby trash can. Then I turned to see a man standing there, hot dog in one hand, ketchup in the other, with a look of horror on his face. I asked him what was wrong. He said, “I just purchased that trash can! ”

精品译文 :我们当地那家购物中心从汽车轮胎到金枪鱼什么都卖。有一次,我大概是中午到的那里,然后在柜台买了一块比萨饼作为午餐。我只吃了一半,就把剩下的另一半扔到旁边的一个垃圾桶里。这时,我转头看见一个男子站在那里,一手拿着热狗,另一只手里拿着番茄酱,满脸惊恐的样子。于是,我就问他怎么了。他说:“那个垃圾桶是我刚刚买的!”

综上所述,一般过去时态常表示在过去时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的特定的时间状语连用,或过去时间由上下文及说话的场合暗示出来(The Past Simple Tense is used to express a completed action which took place at a specified time in the past. The specified time is either stated or implied.)


