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《火星救援》是2015年在美国上映的电影. 马特·达蒙主演。


人类实现了首次在火星上登陆,美国宇航员马克·沃特尼 马特·达蒙 饰) ,他与其他五位宇航员遭遇巨型风暴,外太空之旅只能提前结束,他因为被误认为无法生还而被留在火星,成了太空鲁宾逊。清醒后的沃特尼发现自己远离地球家园,食物只够一个月的供应。幸好他天性幽默乐观,而且是个植物学专家,决定靠自己的力量生存下去,等到下次火星任务的到来,虽然这一等就要四年。沃特尼精心计算如何最大限度地利用他在这颗干旱星球上的时间,开始利用自制的肥料种植土豆,对手头的所有材料物尽其用。而在地球上,公众哀悼马克的悲剧死亡后,一位眼尖的NASA技术员在监看时注意到火星表面的运动迹象,怀疑可能是马克还活着。双方重新取得联系后,火星救援任务由此启动.

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decompression n.泄压; 减压,解压; 失压; 除压

survive [sər'vaɪv /sə'-]v. 活下来, 幸存; 残留; 在...之后仍然生存, 从...中逃生; 丧失; 比...活得长

How long can he survive decompression? 宇航服失压,他能存活多久呢?

Less than a minute 不到一分钟.

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prone adj.俯卧的; 易于…的; 有…倾向的; 倾斜的,坡陡的

step over走近(某地),接近(某人); 跨过…

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escalate vt. 使逐步升级; 使逐步上升; 乘自动梯上升;

vi. 逐步扩大; 逐步上升; (战争) 逐步升级; 像乘自动梯上升

severe adj. 严峻的; 严厉的; 剧烈的; 苛刻的

abort vt. 使流产; 使夭折; 使中止;

vi. 流产; 堕胎; 发育不全; n. 流产; 中止计划;

At 6:45, the storm had escalated severe and we had no choice but to abort the mission

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evacuation n. 疏散; 撤离; 撤退; 撤空

debris [ˈdebri:] {注意s不发音} n. 碎片,残骸; 残渣; [地] 岩屑; 垃圾,破片

Unfortunately, during the evacuation, astronaut Mark Watney was struck by debris and killed.

intercept vt.截击; 拦截,拦住; 截球; 拦阻; n.(数学) 截距; 截击,拦截; 截听; 拦截者;

Commander Lewis and the rest of her team were able to intercept safely with the Hermes and are now heading home.

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Best i can figure this length of our primary communications antenna broke off and tore through my bio-monitor and ripped a hole in me as well. But the antenna and the blood, really, managed to seal the breach in my suit which keep me alive, even though the crew must have thought i was dead. I have no way to contact NASA, and even if i could, it's gonna be four years until a manned mission can reach me. And i'm in a Hab designed to last 31 days.

If the oxygenator breaks, i'm gonna suffocate.

if the water reclaimmer breaks, i'll die of thirst.

if the Hab breaches, i'm just gonna, kind of implode.

and if by some miracle, none of that happens, eventually i'm gonna run out of food.

primary [pri·ma·ry || 'praɪmərɪ]n. 居首位的事物; 候选人选拔会; 原色; 初选 adj. 主要的, 根本的, 初期的

antenna [an·ten·na || æn'tenə]n. 触须, 触角, 天线

rip [rɪp]n. 裂口; 破洞; 裂缝#巨澜; 激浪, 回流#生活放荡的人; 劣马; 浪子; 无用的老马

v. 撕, 剥, 扯; 劈, 锯; 划破; 凿开; 被撕破; 猛冲, 飞速行进; 裂开; 气愤地说粗话

oxygenator n. 和氧器

suffocate ['sʌfəkeɪt]v. 使窒息; 扼制, 压制; 把...闷死; 阻碍; 被闷死, 受阻, 窒息

reclaim [ rɪ'kleɪm] v. 使改过, 教化, 使悔改; 回收利用; 开垦, 开拓; 驯服, 降服

reclamation [‚reklə'meɪʃn] n. 开垦; 收回; 改造

implode [ ɪm'pləʊd]v. 内爆; 向心压挤; 向内聚爆; 使内爆

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Solanum tuberosum [医] 马铃薯

Right, let's do the math . our surface mission here was supposed to last 31 sols.for redundancy, they sent 68 sols worth of food, that's for 6 for just me, that's gonna last 300 sols which i figure i can stretch to 400 if i reation. So i got to figure out a way to grow three years' worth of food here, on a planet where nothing grows.Luckily, i'm a batonist. Mars will come to fear my botany powers.

好了, 我们来算算. 我们此次任务预期为31个太阳日(火星的一个太阳日平均为88775.24409秒或24小时39分35.24409秒。火星的平均太阳日仅比地球长近2.7%。火星与地球一样存在均时差,它可以通过火星的日行迹来计算。由于火星的轨道离心率比地球大,所以火星的太阳日长度相当不恒定。平均一天的长度变化幅度比地球大很多,在火星上,太阳比火星钟表的运行有时要慢50分钟,有时又可快40分钟。),为防万一,他们准备了68天的食物,而且是6个人的量.所以对我来说, 这些食物可以够吃300个太阳日,如果我每天定量摄取,应该能坚持到400天. 所以我得想办法在这个不毛之地上给自己种出3年的口粮来.幸运的是, 我是一个植物学家.火星, 你就等着瞧我的种植能量吧.

redundancy [rɪ'dʌndənsɪ]n. 过多, 冗余, 多余; 冗语, 赘词; 多余物, 多余量

ration ['reɪʃn /'ræʃn]n. 配给量, 定量; 口粮; 给养; 一份配给品v. 配给供应, 定量供应; 对...实行限量供应

botanist [ 'bɒtənɪst]n. 植物学家 botany ['bɒtənɪ] n. 植物学

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The problem is water, i have created 126 square meters of soil,but every cubic meter of soil requires 40 liters of water to be i gotta make a lot more water.Good thing is , i know the recipe. You take hydrogen, you add oxygen, you burn.Now i have hundreds of liters of unused hydrazine (N2H4一种火箭燃料)at the MDV.If i run the hydrazine over an iridium catalyst,it'll seperate into N2 and H2.And then if i just direct the hydrogen into a small area and burn it.Luckily, in the history of humanity, nothing bad has ever happened from lighting on fire.

recipe ['resɪpɪ] n. 食谱; 处方; 烹饪法; 制作法

hydrazine 甲肼 用于有机合成。硫酸甲肼经酰化反应可制得N-甲基二甲酰肼。将甲酸;甲酸钠;硫酸甲肼加入搪玻璃反应锅内,慢慢升温至110-115℃,搅拌1.5h。冷却至5℃,过滤,并用无水乙醇洗涤,合并洗滤液,减压浓缩后用氯仿提取,过滤除去硫酸钠,用氯仿洗涤。进取液减压蒸去氯仿,放冷,加入无水乙醇及乙醚。析出固体,过滤,用少量乙醚洗涤,直空干燥,即得N-甲基二甲酰肼。熔点50-51℃。收率70%-80%。用于药物甲基苯肼的生产。甲肼还用于火箭燃料。

iridium [i·rid·i·um || aɪ'rɪdɪəm ,ɪ'r-]n. 铱, 白金、铂类的金属元素; (无线通讯用语) 可以使手提电话在全世界任何地方使用的现代卫星通讯系统

catalyst [cat·a·lyst || 'kætəlɪst] n. 触媒剂; 催化剂

hydrogen [hy·dro·gen || 'haɪdrədʒən]n. 氢

oxygen [ox·y·gen || 'ɑksɪdʒən /'ɒk-]n. 氧

flame-retardant = fire-retardant 阻燃的 [usually before noun] that makes a fire burn more slowly

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meteorology [me·te·or·ol·o·gy || ‚mɪːtɪə'rɑlədʒɪ /-'rɒ-]n. 气象学, 气象状态

reimburse [re·im·burse || ‚rɪːɪm'bɜrs /-'bɜːs]v. 偿还; 补偿; 归还; 赔偿

decompose [de·com·pose || ‚diːkəm'pəʊz]v. 分解; 使腐烂; 被分解; 腐烂

we're a public domain organization,we need to be transparent on this,the second we point the satellites at the Hab, i broadcast pictures of Mark Watney's dead body to the world. You're afraid of a PR prolem ? Of course i'm afraid of a PR problem.Another mission? Congress won't reimburse us for a paper clip if i put a dead astronaut on the front page of the Washington Post.

He's not going anywhere, Teddy, I mean, he's not gonna decomprose, you know.

He's gonna be up there forever.

Meterorolgy estimates that he'll be covered in sand from normal weather activity within a year.

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i have doubled my battery life by scavenging Rover 1. But if i use the heater,

i will burn through half my battery every day.If i do not use my heater, i will be slowly killed by the laws of thermodynamics.

i would love to solve this problem right now but unfortunately my balls are frozen.

scavenge [ 'skævɪndʒ]v. 搜寻有用之物; 清除污物- 这是一个很有用的词.

thermodynamics n. 热力学

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bitten xxx square in the ass 害了某人.

影片的最后还是指挥官抓住了他. 救到他了. 不得不说, 遇到困难不能放弃.

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就像人生, 我们会遇到诸多的挑战,如果你放弃了努力,人生也会放弃你。NEVER GIVE UP !

有时间的朋友可以去看看这部电影.- 谢谢.


