



牛肉月饼 Beef mooncake



At Hotel Indigo Shanghai, for example, within one month the sales of its wagyu marbled beef mooncake had already exceeded the total sales of traditional mooncakes last year, according to Julie Wang, the hotel's marketing manager.上海外滩英迪格酒店市场部经理表示,该酒店推出的和牛牛肉月饼一个月的销量就超过了去年传统月饼的销量总和。

腌笃鲜月饼 Yanduxian mooncake


腌笃鲜,属于江南吴越特色菜肴,现已是上海本帮菜,苏帮菜,杭帮菜中具有代表性的菜色之一。 “腌”,就是指腌制过的咸肉;“鲜”,就是新鲜的肉类(鸡、蹄髈、小排骨等);“笃”,就是用小火焖的意思。


On Nanjing Road, a line forms outside the traditional Cantonese Xinya Restaurant as impatient customers hanker after its newly launched yanduxian mooncakes. Taking inspiration from Shanghai's beloved yanduxian soup, which is made from pork and bamboo shoots, the mooncakes were a hit as soon as they were launched.南京路上的新雅粤菜馆门外,顾客们排着队争相购买他们新推出的腌笃鲜月饼。腌笃鲜是备受推崇的一款上海本帮菜,里面有鲜肉和竹笋,这一款月饼的灵感就是来源于这道菜,一经推出就受到热捧。

榴莲月饼 Durian mooncake



The Peninsula Shanghai hotel is also joining the fray with a new handmade durian mooncake, an upgrade on its popular egg custard variety.上海半岛酒店也趁势推出了手工榴莲月饼,作为其热门的蛋黄系列月饼的升级版。

小龙虾月饼 Crayfish mooncake



At Wang Bao He, a century-old restaurant known for its crab dishes, all 6,000 boxes of crayfish mooncakes had been preordered following a mid-July launch.在2016年7月中旬,百年老店王宝和推出小龙虾月饼以来,所有6000盒月饼已全部被预定。

Each mooncake contains four freshly peeled crayfish, which are fried with garlic shoots and mushrooms before being stuffed into the pastry.每个月饼里面有四只新鲜去壳的小龙虾,与蒜苗和蘑菇翻炒以后,做馅儿包成月饼。

Pu'er and chrysanthemums 普洱菊花月饼


When it comes to Pu'er and chrysanthemums, the first thing that comes to most Chinese people's minds is tea. However, some mooncake innovators have decided to use these ingredients as a filling for the traditional dessert. "It tastes good by itself, and even better with a cup of tea," commented one netizen on Sina Weibo.


Rose petals 玫瑰花瓣月饼


Roses are usually used to express one's love for a romantic partner. Well, around the Mid-Autumn Festival why not express your love with a mooncake made from rose petals? This type of mooncake leaves a lingering flavor in one's mouth.玫瑰常被用来表达对另一半的爱。那么,在中秋佳节,何不用一个玫瑰花瓣馅儿的月饼来表达你的爱?这种月饼能让人唇齿留香。

Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶月饼


Jasmine has a very light and pleasant scent, so when jasmine tea leaves are used as fillings for a mooncake, the taste is light as well. For people who do not like snacks that are too sweet or greasy, jasmine mooncakes are a very satisfying treat.


Grapefruit and lemons 柚子柠檬月饼


Citrus fruits such as grapefruit and lemons are common in baking, mainly for adding some fragrance to whatever you are making. When these ingredients are used in mooncakes, chefs must tread carefully when it comes to quantity or else the end product may taste too sour. 柚子和柠檬等柑橘类水果在烘焙中很常用,主要作用是提香。当这些食材被用于制作月饼时,厨师必须小心掌握用量,否则最后的成品可能太酸。

Crayfish 小龙虾月饼

When it comes to making crayfish mooncakes, the quality and freshness of your ingredients are important as seafood can go bad very easily. Netizens in China are very divided on this type of mooncake. While some are more than happy to try some seafood-flavored cakes, others find it too fishy and too much of a departure from tradition.


Sausages 香肠月饼


Mooncakes with sausage as fillings are rapidly becoming very popular in China among meat lovers. These mooncakes tend to be fairly salty. They are usually combined with nut fillings to make them taste better. One netizen said: "As a person who likes sausage, I can't resist this type of mooncake."香肠馅儿的月饼迅速受到国内肉食爱好者的欢迎。这种月饼一般会有点咸,常搭配坚果馅儿让口味更佳。一位网友说:"作为香肠爱好者的我对这款月饼完全没有抵抗力。"

Cheese 奶酪月饼


Cheesecake lovers are sure to adore this variety of mooncake! Instead of lotus paste, cheesecake mooncakes are filled with cream cheese and often contain a center of fruity jam or preserves for a punch of flavor.


Liquor 酒心月饼


For consumers that are looking for a dessert that offers more than just great tasting flavor, mooncakes made from wine may be perfect for you. This year has seen mooncakes made from red wine and the National Palace Museum in Beijing has even introduced a mooncake made using Moutai, known as the "National Liquor" of China.对于有些消费者而言,他们理想中的甜品提供的不仅仅只是美味,那么,这款以红酒为原料的月饼或许正适合你。今年市面上已经有红酒月饼在出售,北京的故宫博物院甚至推出了以"国酒"——茅台为原料的月饼。

Ice cream 冰激凌月饼


Ice cream mooncakes trade traditional fillings of meat or lotus paste for a cool center of ice cream. Popular flavors include cookies and cream and strawberry. There is even a version that features a dollop of lemon sorbet in the middle to resemble traditional egg yolk filling mooncakes.




