

Céline Dion Has No Time For Critics Speculating About Rumored Weight Loss

Céline Dion said she’s living her best life at the moment and can’t be bothered by those who want to make her feel otherwise.


As the five-time Grammy winner gears up for her 51st birthday on March 30, she told Dan Wootton of The Sun and “The Dan Wootten Interview” podcast that she’s “having a second wind.” Nowhere is that more apparent than in her recent fashion choices, which have gotten bolder, sexier and more cutting edge as of late.

3月30日是席琳迪翁51岁的生日,在这位五次”格莱美奖“获得者准备迎接生日之际,她在Dan Wootton of The Sun和The Dan Wootten 访谈播客中表示,自己”又恢复了之前的巅峰状态“ 。她最近的时尚品味,也向公众传递了这样的信号。她的着装比以往更大胆,更性感,更前卫。

When Dion turned up at a number of fashion shows in Paris last week, the media was largely fixated on her appearance, as she seemed to sport a slimmer frame than usual. The singer, however, said she has learned to take criticism of her looks in stride.


Noting that she has opted for clothes that make her “feel attractive,” Dion said, “I’m doing this for me. I want to feel strong, beautiful, feminine and sexy.” As for those who comment on her figure, she added, “If I like it, I don’t want to talk about it. Don’t bother. Don’t take a picture. If you like it, I’ll be there. If you don’t, leave me alone.”



be bothered by 受...干扰

feel otherwise 有另一番感受

当otherwise 与say, think,decide 等表示个人看法的词连用时,如say/think/decide otherwise, 表示有不一样的说法/想法/决定

gear up for 为...做好准备

have a second wind 恢复精力,回复元气

apparent [ə'pær(ə)nt] 显然的

cutting edge 最前沿的

as of late 近来

turn up 出现,到场

fixated 注视,视线转向

sport a slimmer frame 秀出更苗条的身材 sport 除运动外,还有炫耀,卖弄的意思

opted for 选择

feminine ['femɪnɪn] 女性的,有女人味的



