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All Too Well - Taylor Swift

《一切记忆犹新》- 泰勒 · 斯威夫特


I walked through the door with you


It was cold, but something about it felt like home somehow and I

空气清冷 却莫名有种家的感觉在心底

Left my scarf there at your sister's house

粗心将围巾遗忘在那里, 在你妹妹的房间里

And you still got it in your drawer even now


Oh your sweet disposition

哦, 你可爱的性情, 丝丝的甜蜜

At my wide eye gaze


We're singing in a car getting lost upstate

我们一边在车里高歌, 一边向北州方向绝尘而去

Autumn leaves falling down like pieces in the place

秋叶飘零, 四季更替

And I can picture it after all these days

一切记忆犹新, 那些久远而美好的过去

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And I know it's long gone, and magics not here no more

我明白经过时间的磨砺, 激情不复存在, 往事已成回忆

And I might be okay, but I'm not, found it all

或许我本该放下一切, 但此时的我却郁闷无比

'Cause here we are again on that little time street


You almost ring the red 'cause you were looking over me


Wind in my air I was there I remember it all too well


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Photo album on my counter


Your cheeks were turning red

你的脸颊愈发红润, 充满朝气

You used to be a little kid with your glasses in a twin size bed


And your mother's telling stories about you on a tivo team


You tell me about your past thinking your future was me

你认定自己的未来就是我, 津津乐道地讲起你的过去

And I know it's long gone, and there was nothing else I could do

我明白一切覆水难收, 往事已成回忆

And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed you

我努力忘掉有关你的一切, 久到已忘了自己当时所需

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Cause here we are again in the middle of the night


We're dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light

在冰箱的冷光下, 我们在厨房起舞, 浪漫无比

Down the stairs I was there I remember it all too well

在阶梯下, 这一切我都记忆犹新, 我曾在那里

And maybe we got lost in translation

也许我们误会积深, 拉远了彼此心的距离

Maybe I asked for too much

也许是我要求太多, 无法企及

But maybe this thing wasn't masterpiece


He tored it all up ,running scared


I was there I remember it all too well

一切的一切, 我都记忆犹新, 我曾在那里,

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Hey you called me up again just to break me like a promise

你又打来电话, 只为了将我击倒, 就像打破誓言那般痛快淋漓

So casually cruel in the name of being honest


I'mma crumble up piece of paper lying here


Cause I remember it all, all, all too well

这一切, 我都记忆犹新, 未曾忘记

Time won't fly it's like I'm paralyzed by it

时间不再溜走, 仿佛我已经被它麻痹

I like to be my old self again


But i'm still trying to find it

我依然在寻找, 那些美好的记忆

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After platshirt days and that's when you made me your own

忆当初,告别了粗衣粝食的时日, 我们终于走到了一起

Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone

如今你寄回了我的东西, 回家路上, 我形单影只, 孤独无依

But your keep my old scarf from that very first week

但你一直保存着我的旧围巾, 从我们恋爱的第一周起

Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me

它让你记得我往昔的纯真, 闻起来也像昔日的我, 亲切无比

You can't get rid of it, cause you remember it all too well

你亦无法抛弃这一切, 因为这一切你都记忆犹新, 你曾在那里

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'Cause there we are again and I loved you so

我们又回到了过去, 那时的我热恋着你

Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known

回到了你弄丢生命中最真实的感情之前, 忆起当时的点点滴滴

It was where, I was there, I remember it all too well

它曾是那么美好, 这一切我都记忆犹新, 我曾在那里,

Wind in my air, you were there, you remember it all

风吹起我的长发, 这一切你都记忆犹新, 你曾在那里

Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all

在楼梯下,这一切你都记忆犹新, 你曾在那里

It was where, I was there I remember it all too well


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