
These studies showed that the growth rate was limited by heat or mass transfer between the growing hydrate front and the bulk fluid phases.,现在小编就来说说关于科技英语基础词汇?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!



These studies showed that the growth rate was limited by heat or mass transfer between the growing hydrate front and the bulk fluid phases.

(1) front:前部,前面位置

(2) bulk【发音释义】:[bʌlk] n. 大块,大量,庞大身躯;散装货物;体积,容量;主体,大部分 adj. 大量的;大批的;散装的 v. 堆放;形成大块;形成一堆。【词源解释】: bulk ←古挪威语 bulki (一堆;散装货物)←原始印欧词根 bhel (膨胀)。该词原本表示散装的大堆货物,后来用来表示任何的“一大堆”。 词源同 ball, 膨胀,鼓起,球。

(3) fluid fluid:流体,液体.

l 词源分析:来源于拉丁语中动词 fluere (流)派生的形容词 fluid.us (流动的)。词根词缀: -flu--id 形容词词尾。能流动的,称为流体。fluid phase 流体相;液相;

3、 The various heat transfer models have been summarized by Mochizuki and Mori,26 and a similar mass transfer model is described by Mochizuki and Mori.18

(4) summarize:/'sʌməraɪz/总结,概括

l 词源分析:词根词缀: -sum- 最高 , 总( m 双写) -ary 形容词词尾( y 因和后面的 i 发音重复而略) -ize 动词词尾来自 summary, 总结性的,概括性的, -ize, 使。sum 总数。

(5) describe 描述

l 词源分析:scr-=scar雕刻;de-, 向下。 -scribe, 写,一行一行的往下写,把事情描述出来、写出来,写就是刻,刻在本子上。词源同 scribe, conscript.

4、The time scale of the initial growth of a hydrate film is very short: film growth rates from 20 to 1000 µm/s have been reported.14,15,25

(6) initial:最初的,开始的。

l 词源分析:in-, 进入,使, -it, 走,开始,词源同 itinerary,exit. 即走起来的,开始的。it-走=exit

(7) report:汇报,报道,举报,告发,据传闻

l 词源分析:re-, 向后,往回, -port, 携带,承载,词源同 comport,portable. 即带回去,引申诸相关词义。往外面输送往回的东西,也就发生了的东西,就做回,输送已经发生了的东西,新闻报道,报道:都是发生了,往回回顾,然后写出来,在输送到媒体上。

l 记忆简化:报道是对以发生的事情的传递

5、 The subsequent mass transfer limited growth period? is much slower, but controversy still exists about whether the transport of the guest2,12,13,23,27,28 or water molecules29-34 controls the hydrate growth rate.

(8) period:时期,阶段,句号

l 词源分析:英语的“句号”叫 periodfullstop.Period 来逢希腊语的 periodus意思是“周期”,“循环”, period 至今仍保留着这层意思。到了16世纪末,这个词则用来指任何动作的完成时刻,继而指一个句子的完结,或一句话后的停顿时间,最后才变成一个圆点,标志一个句子的结束。来自希腊语 periodos, 圈,循环,来自 peri-, 在周围, hodos, 上路,旅程,离开,词源同 anode,method. 引申词义时期,阶段,句号等。

l 记忆精炼:和圈、循环相关,因此时期、阶段往往含有一个完整的周期在里面,例如第一阶段,这个阶段往往有自己的一个周期规律等。

(9) about 表示围绕着这些问题包括问题本生产生的争议

6、 This question has notable importance, as it determines the driving force for hydrate formation and how this driving force transfers between different systems.

(10) notable notable:值得注意的,显著的,著名的

l 词源分析:: -not- 知道=know -able 形容词词尾,能够让大家都知道的,具备这样的能力,说明这个东西很惹人注目的,值得大家去关注的,重点在知道,一看就知道的,一看就能注意得到的。显著的,

l 翻译:这个问题一看就是值得注意的,一看就非常重要。这个问题具有显著重要性。

(11) determine (使)下决心,(使)做出决定;确定,测定;限定,制定,支配。

l 词源分析:de-, 向下。 -term, 边界,界限,词源同 term, terminal. 划下界限,明确。画个界限,确定好了的,决定好了的。

7、 It is the aim of this study to better understand the mass transfer mechanism across a hydrate film.

(12) 记住这个句型:aim to

Since ice Ih is composed of a hydrogen-bonded water lattice, it is often used as an analogue to hydrate. The mass transfer mechanisms of water and gas molecules within ice Ih are comparatively well understood. There is general agreement that the diffusion of gas molecules in ice Ih is dependent on the molecular radii of the gas molecules, with smaller molecules such as helium, neon, and argon diffusing faster than larger molecules such as nitrogen, oxygen, and methane. The measured diffusivities of helium, neon, and argon in ice Ih were determined to be 10-9, 10-10, and 10-11 m2/s, respectively, at temperatures between 258 and 268 K.35 The diffusivities of molecular nitrogen and oxygen in ice Ih were estimated at 10-13 m2/s at 263 K.36 The diffusivity of methane in ice was estimated at 10-13 m2/s at 268 K,37 and similar estimates for the diffusivity of CO2 in ice gave a value of 10-12 m2/s at 268 K.38 Predictions of the diffusion rate of gas molecules in ice Ih using molecular orbital calculations gave similar values; the diffusivity of oxygen, nitrogen, and methane in ice were predicted to be 10-11, 10-12, and 10-14 m2/s, respectively.39

1、Since ice Ih is composed of a hydrogen-bonded water lattice, it is often used as an analogue to hydrate.

(13) since:自从,后来,因为prep; conj.

l 词源分析:来自中古英语 sinnes, 缩写自 sithence, 来自 sithen, 在此以后, -es,-ce, 副词后缀,来自古英语 siththan, 合成自短语 sith thaem, 在此以后,来自 sith, 自从,之后thaem, 那,与格形式于 that. 参照 sith, 自从,之后。

(14) hydrogen /'haɪdrədʒən/氢,氢气

l hydrogen bond: [化]氢键;hydrogen-bonded 氢键键合的

l 词源分析:hydro-, 水, -gen, 生成,词源同 generate. 因氢接触氧气生成水而得名。hydrate 水合物,所以hydro-表示水也是很好记忆的。

(15) lattice:格栅,斜条结构

l 词源分析:来自 lath, 板条,木条。引申词义斜栅,格栅,斜条结构。water lattice 水晶格

(16) be used as 被当作被

2、 The mass transfer mechanisms of water and gas molecules within ice Ih are comparatively well understood.

(17) mechanism /ˈmekənɪzəm/机械装置,机构;(自然现象等的)作用过程,机理,机制

l 词源分析:mechan- machine机器 来自拉丁语 machina, 机器,引擎,装置,设施,诡计,来自 PIE * magh, 使能够,赋予力量,词源同 might,magic,mechanic. mechanic machine 是同源词,但为啥拼写中 ch 的读音不同呢?因为,虽然都是希腊词源,但 mechanic 是英语经由拉丁语借自希腊语, ch 的读音保留了/ k /音,但 machine 经由法语, ch 音腭音化为/ʃ/。

l 记忆精炼:machine 机器 mechanism 机理(机器的工作原理),-ism 表主义,思想,行为,情况,状况等。

(18) comparatively /kəmˈpærətɪvli/ as compared to sth/sb else 比较上;相对地

l compare com- pare=pair ,把两个放到一块来进行比较

3、There is general agreement that the diffusion of gas molecules in ice Ih is dependent on the molecular radii of the gas molecules, with smaller molecules such as helium, neon, and argon diffusing faster than larger molecules such as nitrogen, oxygen, and methane.

(19) general:普通的,一般的;总的,大体的

l 来自词根 gen, 生育,词源同 generate. 即同种类的,通用的。引申词义将军。流水线上生产得到的,这种一般是通用的,一般的,没有什么特别之处。区别typical

(20) dependent:依靠的,依赖的,从属的;随…而定的

l 词根词缀: de- 下降 -pend- 悬挂 , 下垂 -ent 形容词词尾 → 挂于它物下面 , 依附于它物。

(21) molecular /məˈlekjələr/ molecule /ˈmɑːlɪkjuːl/ 区别这两个词的读音

(22) radii plural of radius 半径 /ˈreɪdiaɪ/

(23) helium /ˈhiːliəm/ 氦;氦气

(24) nion 氖;氖气 /ˈniːɑːn/

(25) argon氩 /ˈɑːrɡɑːn/

(26) nitrogen /ˈnaɪtrədʒən/氮;氮气

(27) with

l 语法分析:with和without复合结构是with/without+名词/代词+分词/不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语。在句子中可以作状语或定语。属于语法中的介词短语Ⅰ)with/without+名词/代词+现在分词。用现在分词表示主动、正在进行或发生的动作。I couldn`t finishmy work with those children playing around。(Ⅱ) with/without名词/代词过去分词。用过去分词表示被动或已完成的动作。With the key lost, she could not enter the room.

l 语境分析:介词短语作状语,表示方式状语,说明分子直径是如何或以什么样的具体方式和扩散速率相关的。

4、The measured diffusivities of helium, neon, and argon in ice Ih were determined to be 10-9, 10-10, and 10-11 m2/s, respectively, at temperatures between 258 and 268 K.35

(28) diffusivity: n. [物]扩散率;[物]扩散性

5、The diffusivities of molecular nitrogen and oxygen in ice Ih were estimated at 10-13 m2/s at 263 K.36

(29) rate : 常用搭配是at Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. 大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5公里。

6、The diffusivity of methane in ice was estimated at 10-13 m2/s at 268 K,37 and similar estimates for the diffusivity of CO2 in ice gave a value of 10-12 m2/s at 268 K.38

(30) value

l 固定用法:give a value to 给…赋值;estimate give a value of , 这种估计给出了一个数值,就是这种估算计算除了一个值。A mechanism to give a value to a variable. The term also applies to the use of the mechanism. 将一个值赋予一个变量的机制。此术语也适用于该机制的使用。

记忆精炼:give a value to给…赋值;give a value of …(to…)给…赋一个具体的数值


