a level 学习秘诀(国际课程A-level心理)

Nature of dreams 梦的性质

Dreaming mainly occurs during REM sleep and takes the form of vivid, dramatic stories of a highly visual nature (or auditory in people blind from birth). Participants woken during REM sleep reported dreaming 80% of the time, so it is likely that we dream every night, even though we may not remember them. Although less common and vivid, dreams may occur in Non-REM sleep.


a level 学习秘诀(国际课程A-level心理)(1)

The content of dreams may be linked to real events before or even during sleep (thirsty people are more likely to dream about drinking) and sex differences have been found: Men are more likely to dream about sexual content and outdoor events than women. Some people are able to control the content of their dreams, known as lucid dreaming.


Neurobiological theories of dreaming 关于做梦的神经生物学理论

These theories try to explain the function of the intense neural activity during REM sleep. You should be familiar with their names and authors 这些理论试图解释快速眼动睡眠期间的强烈神经活动的功能。你应该熟悉他们的名字和作者 :


理论 :

Evidence for

Psychological theories of dreaming 做梦的心理学理论

The function of dreaming has psychological explanations, such as problem solving and wish fulfilment. You should be able to describe and evaluate these theories as follows 做梦的功能有心理学的解释,如解决问题和实现愿望。你应该能够描述和评价这些理论,具体如下:


理论 :

Evidence for

支持的证据 :

Evidence against反对的证据 :

'Problem-solving' theoryWebb & Cartwright (1978):Dreams allow people to deal with their problems and come up with solutions ("Let me sleep on it.")

问题解决 "理论Webb & Cartwright (1978):


Realistic solutions to problems are more likely to occur after REM sleep.

Longer periods of REM are found in people with relationship or work problems.



Problems can be solved more quickly while awake.


'Wish fulfilment' theoryFreud (1900):Part of his psychodynamic approach. Dream's manifest content uses symbols to hide the anxiety-causing latent content - a person's unconscious desires.

愿望实现 "理论弗洛伊德(1900):


General agreement that dreams may have meaningful content.


Content of dreams is not necessarily disguised in symbols.

Dream interpretation is subjective, so does not provide empirical evidence.



