

1.题目:A the farm

2. 内容:

Steven: What are those?

Alice: They are cows.

Steven: What are those?

Alice: They are hens.

Steven: Wow, they are very cute!

Alice: Yeah, and they are happy at the farm.

3. 要求:





step1:Warming up

Good morning,my dear judge.It's my great honor to be here.now I will start my presentation.Ok,class begin,at the beginning of the class.Let's chant together.Please stand up and chant with me.Teacher teacher what can you seeI can see a bird sing in the treebird bird what can you seeI can see a fish swimming in the seaWow,we all exited now .Let's start our class together.OK,fist of all,let's see some pictures on the PPT.OK,fist one,what's this?Yes!It's a cow.and how about this one?Great!It's a hen.OK,do you like them?Yes!They are very cute.Well,Just now we saw some interesting pictures . Now let's read the Word together.OK,fellow me.one,tow,three go!Hen hencow cowwell,good job!Give it up for yourselves .


Now,please come back to PPT.I've prepared an interesting movie for you . Look !What are those? yes……They are……cow.Boys and girls do you pay attention to the question I ask you?yes,It's“what are those?”When we answer this question.We should use……exactly!“They are……”to answer this question.OK,I will give you an example.“what are those?”they are hens.got it?


Let's do more exercise.here on the PPT is a conversation.There are some new words and new sentence here.Let's read it together. Let's see read the dialogue best.Let's start!

OK,who would like to try?Yeah!Group one,come to the stage bravely.How do you think of their performance?Exactly perfect!They set a great example for us!Any other students?OK,the girl in red and the boy in blue.you tow please.How about this time?Well,fantastic too?Rright!Their pronunciation and intonation are wonderful!Let's clap for them.


Let's come back to this passage.This time I will sit a situation.here,I prepare a beautiful cartoon for you.Do you know who are they?Yes!She is snow white.Beautiful girl right?So,this time imagine that you are going to a beautiful farm with snow white.Create a dialogue between you and snow white.Work in group and then have a group discussion.Later you should show your dialogue in front of the class.When you are speaking you should the Use the sentences we just learned .what are those?there are ……Clear?great!go!OK,who would like to try?Amy you please!Wow,how do you think of the conversation?It's very imaginative and She also used the sentence we just learned . Excellent!

step6:Summary and Homework

How time files!We are coming to the ending.Let's conclude what we have learned today.Who wants to be the Little teacher Han meimei you please.Yeah!We learned some new words……and new sentence what are there?There are……cowsSo,I have some task for you.I'd like Make a new dialogue with what we learned today.what are…… they are ……we will share it next class.Are you clear?Ggreat!Goodbye!See you next time!

That's all for my class.Thanks for you listening.



