
Why does history of India taught in school stops at 1947 or 1950 and not any further is taught even after India fought 8 major wars with China, Pakistan, Portugal, Nizam of Hyderabad and Maldives?




Sourav Adhikari, MSc, Mathematics and Computing

1947? Even the history before that hasn't been taught properly!


As students of a CBSE school, we started with the Harappan civilisation in class 6 and ended with Indian independence in class 8. That's it! I don't even remember 25% of what was taught, and it was taught in such a way that we always wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.


Then, in college, a compulsory single credit Cultural History of India came up, which threw some light on what Indian subcontinent actually was.


I came to know that the concept of Protestantism (not the Christian movement, but the protest against established religious practices) came way before the British adapted it in the 16th century (reason behind Anglo-Spanish war of 1585). The religions of Jainism and Buddhism were the pioneers of Protestantism, and they started it in the later Vedic period.


The reins of Houses of Cholas and Nandas and few others are almost absent! Heck, Bay of Bengal was called Chola Lake!! If it weren't for a quiz, I would never have known.


Now coming to modern India. Even if the history teaching stops at 1947, we are unaware of significant numbers of national heroes. The New Sunday Express carried a nice article regarding that.


It had information about personalities like Rani Gaidinliu whose names I had not heard since my ears grew. It felt as if the whole North-Eastern India was entirely ignored during scripting NCERT history books.


Same goes for the brave Indians who fought both the World Wars.


We seldom find names of personalities like Sri Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda, et al in Government welfare schemes, whereas I can name at least 3-4 infrastructural establishments named after Rajiv Gandhi.

我们很少能在政府福利计划中找到像Sri Aurobindo,Swami Vivekananda等名人的名字,而我能说出至少3-4个以拉吉夫·甘地命名的基础设施机构。

Post independence India is, as you said, is non-existent!


The reason?


History of a nation is shaped by the go nment that controls it. For majority of the period after independence, we have had Congress or Congress led go nments. The textbooks became a form of propaganda to teach students nothing but of the Nehru-Gandhi legacy. After all, jiski lathi uski bhens (The buffalo belongs to the one with a stick).


Navish Agarwal, M.S. Manufacturing, University of Michigan (2016)

A question I've often thought about.


Is it because there is already far too much content (they as it is reduce 2000 years of history - pre Mughal era - into a 100 page book and add 50 pages more about the Mughal dynasty) and don't want to make the matter even more bulky or is it due to Political reasons.


If you follow the news, you must have seen our Prime Minister mention Sardar Vallabhai Patel multitude of times recently. And he is right to do so. Our history book, the part dealing with independence is riddled with stories relating to Nehru and Gandhi. They definitely deserve their due, but Vallabhai Patel played an equally important role; especially in uniting the different provinces of India (you will find many answers on Quora talking in detail about the same). The sheer complexity of this task and its immense importance has always been under-appreciated or completely forgotten in many cases.


The above was just an example related to the question. Well, in answering your original question, what I feel is that we have majority of the time been ruled by a Congress Govt. The govt would have a vested interest in making their party seem almighty and how important a role they played in gaining independence (not much dispute in that). But since Independence, there have been far too many blunders made by the Congress govt. Nehru's period as PM was riddled with disasters, which is hardly ever mentioned(again, something you can find innumerable answers about on Quora. No point in me detailing them here again) .


If I recall right, the only post independence history taught, dealing with India, relates to Non-Aligned Movement. To which a scant 4 pages were devoted. No mention is made of the consequences of NAM years down the line.


Well, by creating a positive image of the Party, Congress would be able to influence the adolescents growing up in the country. The adolescents will begin with a positive image for the party and then, if they have the interest, voluntarily seek out information about what has really been happening since Independence and what is happening now in the political scenario, especially regarding Congress.


In Winstion Churchill's words, "History is written by the victors."


Krishnan Janardhanan, Analyst, ex-engineer and Qurious!!

I believe it's all part of the congress propaganda to hide from view, gray shades of its past, post the independence.

If there was a considerable amount of Indian history post 1947 in out textbooks then it would have to explain the following:



1.The rift between sardar vallabhai Patel and Nehru

2.The ugly riots which happened in Punjab and UP and Delhi.

3.How congress initiated and nurtured the groups behind the riots in Punjab.

4.Operation Blue Star and how it was mishandled

5.The emergency and the circumstances around it

6.Boffor's scandal and countless other scandals by Indira Gandhi and family

7.The growing shouts of independence in and around North East India

8.Military actions in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and its consequences









And countless other instances.

Ramchandra Guha's "India after Gandhi" is a brilliant read and provides an unbiased and detailed description of India's history post independence. Things that every India should know



Hari Govind, Indian, have read up moderately well on history.

One of the reasons, I would say, is that the average age of the members of go nment in our country is usually very high, well over 60(the go nment this time is a welcome change). Given that these people were born before independence(Modi is the first PM to be born post independence) Obviously there would be a tendency for older people to not think of what happened during their lifetimes as history. People like Advani, Vajapayee and Manmohan Singh all were in their prime when the major events of the 60s 70s and 80s happened. Thus they would consider these to be very recent events rather than history. Now that the younger generation that was born after independence is in charge, it is being realised that the events in the 50 years following independence are also an important part of history, leading to the popularity of books such as India after Gandhi by Ramachandra Guha.


Marru Yashwanth, lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

I believe it is true that they had to scale down all of our history and it may have include some things like post-independence history (68 years vs 3000 years).

我相信这是真的,他们不得不缩编我们所有的历史,可能包含了一些东西,如独立后的历史(68年vs 3000年)。

All the wars mentioned in the question are not a big course altering ones like that of world war or India's first war of independence.


These wars are still mentioned somewhere in the text books ( I remember reading about them in High School ). But 1962 India-China war and 1965 India-Pakistan are taught like nothing significant about them. And Kargil war is relatively new and nothing but a minor war which was fought over a border issue.


In High school I never knew that India and Portuguese fought for Goa.

I believe most of our History lessons are taken from Nehru's auto-biography.



Sarat Chandra

The history to teach children what to do and not do that's it

and how our ancestors are struggled and for what??

That's enough no need to know much if any one interested higher education in history can provide people to know more..




Raghav Maheshwari

To inspire the next upcoming generations to love the gandhi-nehru dynasty. Their main long term motive was to brainwash us.


Abhilash Singh

Indian history is not complicated it has lots of diversity .

It will take u from Harappan civilization to Mughar period

It will u from mughal to British empire

It has lots of diversity

Which u can only fell only after studying about it

It's very interesting






Ankit Godara

These are few reasons.


1.Chronology Crisis: Since ancient times Indians have had a non-linear concept of time. Time was always perceived as a cyclical concept rather than a linear one. Further, court historians recorded events with respect to coronation year of their ruler.

E.g. 27th year of reign of Asoka etc.

This has created a chronology Crisis for Indian historians. In contrast, ancient European historians usually accurate record of dates and events.




  1. Politicisation of History

Indian history has been rendered subservient to demends of Nationalism. India has never been a single entity. The idea of India as a nation was basically born during our fre m struggle. Though for brief periods in history India was theoretically ruled by one ruler eg. Ashoka, even then society was very feudal.

So now we have this hotch potch attempt by historians to weave together a coherent narrative of one nation and this has created confusion.




  1. Scope of Indian history

Sub continental size of our courtry with remarkably diverse society has also created complications.




