
#头条创作挑战赛#To pay off the debt his father owned, he's already decided to sell up. 为了偿还他父亲欠下的债务,他已经决定要变卖家产了,现在小编就来说说关于英语动词短语表500个?下面内容希望能帮助到你,我们来一起看看吧!




go over sth 仔细检查 ---- go over to sth 转投到...; 叛逃到...
  1. Go over your papers for name and student ID before handing it in. 交卷之前,请仔细检查试卷, 是否已填写姓名和学生号。
  2. It came as a surprise that our manager went over to the rival company. 令人惊讶,我们经理居然转投竞争对手那边去了。
sell up 变卖家当

To pay off the debt his father owned, he's already decided to sell up. 为了偿还他父亲欠下的债务,他已经决定要变卖家产了。

square up 结账

Just let him square up with waiters. 就让他去跟服务员结账吧。

square up to the reality 勇敢面对现实== face up to the reality 直面现实 == face the music 面对现实

You had better square up to the reality that your company is at the brink of bankruptcy. 你最好勇敢面对你的公司在破产边缘的这一现实。

stick/bury/keep sb's head in the sand 采取鸵鸟政策 == escape from the reality 逃避现实

Keeping your head in the sand cannot solve the problems you face. 把头埋在沙子里不能够解决你面对的问题。

sb climb down (在争论, 辩论中) 拒绝认输,认错

I knew my points did not stand up, but I still decided to climb down in the argument. 尽管我知道我的观点站不住脚,但是依旧决定在这场争辩中,拒不认错。

fall into conversation with sb 一见面就跟某人聊了起来 == strike up a conversation with sb 与某人攀谈
  1. She fell into conversation with the client about product designs. 她跟客户一见面就聊起了产品设计。
  2. She enjoys striking up a conversation with strangers. 她喜欢跟陌生人攀谈。
brush sb off 不理睬某人 == sweep aside sth 不理会某事

You should brush them off and sweep aside what they said. 你不要理睬他们,也别理会他们说什么。

eat into sth 耗费 (尤指时间/资源) ---- eat away at sth 侵蚀;逐渐破坏

Working overtime is eating into my free time. 加班正在吞噬我的自由时间。

The PUA at office can eat away at employees' self-confidence. 办公室PUA可以逐渐破环员工的自信心。

drink in sth 陶醉于...

He completely drinks in his handsome face. 他完全陶醉于自己帅气的脸庞中。


