
Five Dynasties to Song Dynasty

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By the end of the eighth century AD,the Tang Empire was already in decline. Peasants who were unable to buy exemption from military service were often forced to spend the greater part of their lives as conscripts(应征入伍者), fighting to defend the remote frontier regions. In such circumstances, many deserted, and the government was forced to recruit mercenaries(雇佣军). In 755 AD, a border general, An Lushan, staged a revolt. Chang'an was captured, but the revolt was crushed. The dynasty never really recovered, and towards the end of the ninth century, a wave of peasant uprising occurred, finally bringing down the Tang Empire in the year 907.

For the next 53 years, power passed through the hands of a succession of warlords(军阀),and the period is known , in Chinese history as 'the period of the five dynasties and ten kingdoms'. Eventually, in the year 960, one of the warlords, Zhao Kuangying, succeeded in reuniting the greater part of the country,and is known in history under the dynastic title of Song Taizu. However, the north-east remained under the control of a group of Tartar(鞑靼人) nomads, known as the Khitan(契丹). (It is from the Khitan that the term Kitai or Cathay was derived.)

The Khitan had first occupied north-east China during the period of the five dynasties.The north-west, on the other hand, was occupied by another group of Tartars known as the Xixia. The Song Emperors made several attempts to recover these regions, but were forced early in the eleventh century to make peace with the Khitan and with the Xixia,after suffering heavy losses.

Thus the largest,richest and most heavily populated country in the East could not withstand the demands of small foreign forces.This was the result not just of military weakness, but of general internaⅠ weakness. As under the Tang dynasty, the Song bureaucracy was recruited by civil service examinations. In theory, the examinations were impartial:the anonymity of the candidates was preserved, several examiners would be present,and the candidates were locked up in individual cubicles(考室). In practice, however, nepotism(裙带关系) and bribery were often resorted to,and promotion within the bureaucracy depended on the favour of superiors. To help build up the treasury, merchants, traditionally a despised social class, were allowed to buy their way into the bureaueracy. Scholars, landlords and merchants therefore joined forces to get what they could out of the system.

During his period as Prime minister in the eleventh century, Wang Anshi introduced a number of reforms, in an attempt to clean up the bureaucracy and break the power of the landlords, merchants and money-lenders.They included loan provisions, whereby the government would grant preharvest loans to the peasants at only 20% interest instead of the 50% and more demanded by private lenders. Price-control measures were introduced to reduce the merchant speculation. This would enable the government to buy up grain in times of plenty, and to release it when supplies were short.Tax reforms ensured that the estates of officials and landlords , did not escape from taxation, as they had done in the past. Army reforms reduced the number of hired mercenaries in the regular army,while at the same time setting up a people's militia(民兵). Educational measures aimed at seeking out men of integrity and moral character.It was inevitable that such measures should be opposed and sabotaged (破坏)by the very officials appointed to carry them out, in alliance with the landlords and the merchants. In1086,Wang Anshi died,and the laws were repealed(废除).

Meanwhile, the Khitan Tartars, who had taken the name of the Liao dynasty, had been influenced by Chinese civilisation, and had given up their nomadic life, adopting Chinese customs and language. The Song Emperors took the opportunity to unite with the Jin Tartars in an attack on the Khitan.The understanding was that the north eastern provinces would be restored to the Song, while the indemnities paid as tribute to the Khitan would be paid to the Jin instead. But the Jin Tartars not only overcame the Khitan,but moved on to conquer the whole of China north of the Huai River. In 1127,the Song capital of Kaifeng fell, and the Emperor and his heir were taken into captivity. The remnants of the Song followers held control over only the Changjian (Yangtse) River valley and the regions to the south. A temporary capital was set up at Hangzhou, where it was to remain until 1279, when the whole of China passed under the Mongol yoke, and the capital was moved by Kublai Khan to Khan Baliq (Cambaluc), or present-day Beijing.

From the tenth century onwards, the constant pressure on north China by the nomads had led to more and more of the wealthy Chinese families fleeing to the south. So,when the northern Song dynasty fell, the south was already economically more advanced than the north.The officials and gentry left their estates in the countryside to live in the rapidly growing cities as absentee landlords. There was a great deal of urban poverty, the cities abounded in beggars,and unwanted children were often killed at birth or sold as servants into wealthy families. The upper classes, on the other hand, lived a life of extravagance and ease.











