
The Double Ninth Festival

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The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the traditional Chong Yang Festival, or the Double Ninth Festival. The festival began as early as the Warring States Period. According to the yin-yang dichotomy(一分为二) that forms a basis to the Chinese world view,yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name Chong Yang Festival. (Chong means "repeat" in Chinese. ) Also,as double ninth (Jiu Jiu) is pronounced the same as the word to signify "forever",the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. The ninth month also heralds(预示,预兆) the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extend this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore,also becomes an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.


On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago,Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called Height Ascending Festival.Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity. Even today,people still swarm(成群出行) to famous or little known mountains on this day.The Double Ninth Festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms. China boasts diversified species of chrysanthemum and people have loved them since ancient times. So appreciating the flourishing chrysanthemum becomes a key activity on this festival. Also, people prefer to drink chrysanthemum wine. Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness.


Double- ninth cake is a steamed cake made from flour and sugar, stuffed with chestnuts, pine nuts and other types of nut, and crowned with a colorful paper flag stuck on the top. It is an indispensable dish on the Double Ninth Day. On this day,people will eat double- ninth gao (or cake). In Chinese, gao (cake) has the same pronunciation with gao (height). People do so just to hope progress in everything they are engaged in. There are no fixed ways for the double ninth cake, but supercakes will have as many as nine layers, looking like a tower.


The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember one's ancestors, the sacrifices they made and the hardships they underwent. Often, family outings are organized during which people search to renew their appreciation of nature and to reaffirm their love and concern for family members and close friends.



In 1989, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors' Day. Since then, all government units, organizations and streets communities have organized autumn trips for those who have retired from their posts. At the waterside or on the mountains, the seniors will find themselves merged into nature. Younger generaion will bring elder ones to suburban areas or send gifts to them on this day.Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.




