












开学第142天:大寒进班早辅导 组内聚齐共商讨

2022-01-20Thursday周四Sunny晴No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. — Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire没有一个问题禁得起不断思考的攻坚。—伏尔泰

Voltaire was a French thinker, philosopher and writer during the Age of Enlightenment. He was known as the father of French thought. He was known for his defense of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and justice.伏尔泰是法国启蒙时代思想家、哲学家、文学家,被誉为法兰西思想之父,以捍卫言论自由,信仰自由和司法公正闻名,他的作品包括诗、小说、戏剧、论文、历史及科学著作。词汇注释:problem /ˈprɑ:bləm/ n. 问题,难题,困难;疾病;withstand /wɪðˈstænd/ v. 顶住,抵住;经受住,承受住(攻击、批评等);反抗;assault /əˈsɔ:lt/ n.(军事)袭击,攻击;人身攻击,侵犯人身(罪);抨击;闯关,冲击(难关);sustained /səˈsteɪnd/ adj. 持续的,持久的;坚定的,坚持不懈的;thinking /ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/ n.想法,见解;思想,思考,思维。大寒在英文中被叫做 Great Cold ,或者也可以叫做Major Cold 。《授时通考•天时》引《三礼义宗》中记载:“寒气之逆极,故谓大寒。”此时是中国大部分地区最冷的时期。The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. The Great Cold begins this year on January 20th. In this period, snow, rain and icy cold weather exert a big influence on people's lives. This term represents the end of 24 solar terms and also marks the end of Winter. It's freezing/chilly out there!外面冷飕飕的!There is a real nip in the air today.今天寒气袭人。I'm frozen / stiff.我简直冻僵了。I can't stop shivering from the cold.我冷得不停打哆嗦。Wrap up warmly — it's bitter outside. 穿暖和些—外面特别冷。

Gentle Wake-up Calls By Steve Pavlina: In February 2018 filmmaker Kevin Smith (aka “Silent Bob”) suffered a massive heart attack and underwent emergency surgery. He’s less than a year older than me, so he was only 47 at the time. Afterwards he switched to a vegan diet and dropped more than 50 pounds. In his latest film Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, he also made his character Silent Bob vegan and weaved that transformation into the plot. It’s great to see how much healthier and younger he looks now. Life gave him a major wake-up call, and he accepted the opportunity to make some real lifestyle changes. I’m glad he’s sticking around since I love Kevin Smith movies. Sometimes I find it hard to relate to people who don’t. In framing the coronavirus situation, I’ve NOTICEd that many people are also framing this as a wake-up call, but usually not for themselves. They see it as a wake-up call for the world, for politicians, for voters (other than themselves), for the healthcare system, for people they’d label as idiots, etc. So the invitation isn’t personal most of the time. While this is understandable, I invite you to look for the personal wake-up call in this situation even if you don’t think you need one.


第一部分听力 (共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1-5 ACCAB 6-10 ABCCB 11-15 ABCCA 16-20 ACBCC

第二部分 阅读 (共20小题; 每小题2.5分,满分50分)

21-25 ADADC 26-30 DBCDB 31-35 CDABD 36-40 BACDG

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)

41-45 BABCD 46-50 CACDD 51-55 ABABC

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

56. will greet 57. cultural 58. with 59. and 60. performances

61. titled 62. which 63. an 64. will be screened 65. including

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (满分15分)


To build up our strength, our school is to hold a rope skipping competition from 4:00p.m. to 5:00 p.m. next Thursday. All the students are to gather on the playground on time and stand in rows as usual. The result of the competition counts on the numbers you skip within two minutes. The prizes will be given to the top 10 winners of each class. You’re expected to wear school uniforms and comfortable shoes. Besides, do warm up in advance.

The Students’ Union

第二节 (满分25分)

My eyes were filled with tears. I couldn’t believe it. The girl who I was breaking my back to be friends with treated me as a fool. I remembered how many times I’d used the word myself just to fit in, and it made me feel even worse. Sara said, “Elizabeth does things like that to a lot of people. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way, and nobody else does either.”

“You’re right, Sara,” I said. I thought of all the times I’d laughed when Elizabeth had made fun of someone else. It only bothered me when she turned her sights on me. I should have stood up to her a long time ago. I stopped hanging out with Elizabeth since then. The word Coco will always serve as a reminder that I need to stay true to myself and never compromise my values to be friends with someone.


学生作答问题主要表现为:1.56题将will greet写成greets/greeting较多。考虑到句中as引导的从句中用的是现在时,根据“主将从现”原则,从句使用将来时,这是个语法问题。再者,全文主基调全部使用将来时,从全文时态一致性方面考虑,此句的时态问题考查提示点非常明显。此题作答较差,一来反映出学生对谓语的识别和对时态的把握问题,二来反映出答题技巧和态度问题。2.57题culture的形容词形式拼写错误,或写成名词复数。反映词汇基本功问题。3.58题不能正确判断mix A with B这一短语所搭配介词。4.60题perform的名词拼写错误。5.61和65题都考查非谓语动词,但是学生作答61题错误很多,65题相对较好,说明学生对于已经讲授的知识(教师基本应该都讲过include的用法)是基本掌握的,但是对于非谓语动词的灵活应用尚有欠缺。也可能是学生对title这个词的动词用法不熟悉所致。6.63题考查冠词用法,只要能识别create动词的宾语为effect,不难看出此处缺少一个冠词,空后面的词immersive不论是否认识,都能看出该冠词应该是an。此题错误率高,可能与学生句子结构分析方面的困难有关,也可能与答题技巧有关,比如有的学生可能根本想不出这个没有提示词的空格上可能考什么。7. 64题学生错误偏多。一方面,screen 活用为动词用法对部分学生而言较为困难;另一方面,即使知道是动词用法也基本写错形式will screen/screens/screening。学生作答时候不能兼顾下一句will be broadcast的明显时态提示,答题技巧方面也有所欠缺。应用文话题为一个跳绳比赛通知,扣课本话题,贴近学生生活,并且学生有话可写。全市平均得分8.79,0分人数479人,占比1.41%,0.5-5分数段2152人,占比6.12%。12分以上1666人,占比4.74%。总体上来说,考生的审题能力和语言表达能力都有待提高。学生作答存在的问题:1.审题不清。很多考生不清楚通知的体裁要求,要么把通知写成了书信,要么写成了口头通知。2.内容不完整。如首段表达信息不全面,活动目的不清晰,活动注意事项不具体等。绝大多数考生都能写出活动目的和注意事项,但活动安排上部分学生写的较为空泛,不够具体。特别表现在:时间的安排上, 很多学生都是next week , 或者是下星期的某一天, 比赛具体时间安排没有明确,持续时间也未明确。出现的问题类似去年高三联考卷的包饺子活动,不能考虑到实际场地,时间和人员的安排等问题。表现出对应用文的应用价值方面,对写作的意义方面,关注度不足。3.语言表达不准确不连贯,句式不丰富。词汇使用不当,语法结构错误多,拼写错误较多。很多考生不知道“活动”、“组织一次跳绳比赛”该如何表达, take place / set up/ held a rope skipping competition 比比皆是,很多考生甚至表达成: Our school will be taken place / be held a rope skipping competition,主动句与被动句不能区分开来。另外,词性使用不当现象较严重,比如safe/ safety; health/healthy词性不能正确区分。4.卷面书写不规范甚至潦草,字体太大或太小,直接影响阅读。段落过多,字数多于100字的不少。有的考生用铅笔划上虚四线格(有作弊嫌疑)。也有的考生字写得相当漂亮,但写不出正确的句子,有的还直接抄阅读理解的文字或用拼音代替不会的单词。

Winter vacation activities of Xinjiang students in 2022

一、Main ideas: The winter vacation of this year will last 21 days from January 21 to February 10, 2022. Classes will be arranged in accordance with the schedule of the grade and the department. Students will go shopping, visit scenic spots in the city and all kinds of activities on campus. The purpose is to ensure the safety of the students in Xinjiang class, experience the traditional festival atmosphere of the Chinese nation, let them have a happy and fulfilling winter vacation.

二、Concrete arrangement: 1.21-1.27Senior Three, 1.23-1.27 Senior One and Senior Two, military training; After the Spring Festival, students in three grades will make up lessons, the head teacher can coordinate with each other to ensure that at least one in each grade is on duty. On January 28th, students went shopping for a day. Around the Spring Festival, from January 29 to February 5, students in Xinjiang class can visit the city, organize various activities, mainly: ring, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, rope skipping, kickball, e-sports intelligence games, ideological and political lectures, watching movies, etc. During the military training, students get up at 5:40 am, leave the dormitory at 6:10 am, and run exercises at 6:30 am (unified requirements by the grade three department). Breakfast is from 7:00 am to 7:30 am. Military training time: 8:00 am to 11:30 am, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. After 4:30 back to the dormitory to tidy up the internal affairs. During non-military training, breakfast time can be 7:30-8:00. During the remedial period, noon quiet school, evening self-study normal, during the non-remedial period, evening self-study will end in advance to 9:00, 9:20 dormitory door locked students must return to the dormitory, send teachers to strengthen attendance. Make up lessons, military training period, do not send mobile phones. January 31st New Year's Eve, students decorate the dining room, at about 5 in the evening, eat family reunion dinner, the principal will give out red envelopes, after dinner, the teachers and students in the school big hall for celebration, students in each class stick couplets, welcome New Year, the teachers on duty lead the students at night watching the Spring Festival evening party, at 12 o 'clock before the administrative building set off fireworks, at eight o 'clock on the first day of the Lunar New Year light off firecrackers. Students can go to street for shopping by themselves and feel the festive atmosphere.


