
Make mine a mojito: how to grow your own cocktail给我来一杯莫吉托:如何“种”出自己的鸡尾酒


To make you sidestep a gin and tonic or a cold beer, a cocktail has to be special, and it is this small collection of herbs that makes all the difference.


A cocktail, like a salad dressing, needs a balance of fruitiness, aromatics, sweetness, sharpness, sourness and something to lengthen and dilute the intensity. A few well-chosen herbs can add all these, and you don’t need much space in which to grow them. You can even squeeze a few herbs into a single large pot, the bigger, the better. With care, they’ll last for years.


Capturing a herb’s qualities for your cocktail can be as simple as adding a few leaves, perhaps part-crushing them, or creating an infusion to add to the mix.


The quickest route to herby cocktail happiness is making a syrup, which will add aroma, flavour and sweetness to the whole.


Dissolve 200g sugar in 200ml water in a pan over a moderate heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat as the syrup reaches a simmer; add a small handful of herb leaves and allow to infuse as the syrup cools. When it becomes tepid, lift the leaves out with a slotted spoon. The result should be bright and aromatic.

在平底锅里,用中火将 200 克糖溶于 200 毫升水中,并不时搅拌。当糖浆开始沸腾时,将其从火上取下;加入一小撮香草叶,让它随糖浆冷却而浸泡。糖浆变温后,用漏勺将叶子筛出。你的成果应该是色泽明亮而又芳香四溢的。

This simple process works equally well with most perennial herbs. Don’t forget, if you have fruit to hand (grown or foraged), or even vegetables, there is usually a cocktail to suit.




