
懂英语者:一看英语原文怎么写的,二看怎么读人英语的。leftover food 剩饭剩菜


懂英语者:一看英语原文怎么写的,二看怎么读人英语的,以下面leftover food(剩饭剩菜)为例。



Leftover food:Dump,donate or surrender to staff?

One of my coworkers got fired for taking food home(surrender to staff). It was cooked stuff from a party that the sous chef told us to toss(dump). It doesn’t seem fair. What do other restaurants do?


For someone like me who loves food and appreciates all of the effort that goes into growing, preparing and serving it, seeing it go to waste(dump) is painful. And when taking food home can help an employee’s family stretch their dollars(save money) and make people happy, it seems like an obvious win to let employees use leftovers as they see fit.

While it sounds nice on the surface, allowing employees free reign(allow them) to take home leftovers can create a new set of problems like:

1.A blurry line between something that can be reused by the restaurant and something that is truly unsalvageable.

2.Potential liability for foodborne illness. If you donate leftovers to a charitable organization, you are protected by the 1996 Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation act and other legislation. The same protection does not apply when “donating” to employees.




1.Leftover food:Dump,donate or surrender to staff?

读1:Leftover food is unfinished food or meal,either at home or in the restaurant.

读2:To dump the food means to toss it,or let it go to waste(见下文).

读3:To donate means to give something free to someone,such as you donate leftovers to a charitable organization(下文).

读3:To surrender to staff(作者个人用语) means Staff taking the food home,allowing employees free reign(allow them) to take home leftovers(下文).

2.One of my coworkers got fired for taking food home(surrender to staff). It was cooked stuff from a party that the sous chef told us to toss(dump). It doesn’t seem fair. What do other restaurants do?

读1:taking food home here means surrender the food to staff(重复就是力量).


读2:To toss the food means to dump the food into the trash bin,to thriw it away as rubbish.

Okay.I'll not say Throw away the food or dump the food any more,I'll say Toss the food.


3.For someone like me who loves food and appreciates all of the effort that goes into growing, preparing and serving it, seeing it go to waste(dump) is painful.

读:seeing it go to waste means To dump it into the trash bin,or to toss it there.

4.And when taking food home can help an employee’s family stretch their dollars(save money)

读:Oh,good expression:To stretch their dollars means to save some money,save some bucks.

Okay.I got you.If I want to say I save some money,I won't say it that way.I'll say I just want to stretch my dollars.


5.While it sounds nice on the surface, allowing employees free reign(allow them) to take home leftovers can create a new set of problems like:

读:Okay.I got you.Allowing employees free reign to home leftover means To allow them to take home leftovers.

So,when we say we allow someone to do something,we can also say we allow them free reign to do it.




