
Racquel Bracken



Hometown: Irving, TX (suburban)


High School: Private school, 100 students in graduating class

GPA: 3.8

SAT: 760 Math, 740 Verbal




Extracurriculars: Captain of the debate team, president of the National Honor Society, varsity swimming record holder, community service volunteer at a children’s hospital, staff writer of student-run newspaper, volunteer Spanish-language translator.



Summer Activities: Three years of summer debate institute, including one year as Kentucky Fellow at the University of Kentucky debate tournament (taught a group of thirty high school students, participated in mock-debates for exhibition, taught and led research teams). Summer before freshman year, member of Dallas Mustangs national-level swim team. Volunteered at a children’s hospital in the children’s intensive care unit.



Awards: National Debate Champion and various speech awards (won the Glenbrooks National Tournament in 2000, won the Barkley Form National Debate Tournament at Emory University in 2001, second at the NFL National Tournament in 2001). School swimming record holder in the 100 butterfly.



Family Background and Education: Her father graduated from the University of Oklahoma-Norman, and was a pilot, small-business owner, and farmer. Her mother graduated from Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea, where she received her M.D.


Nationality/Ethnicity: Asian-American


College Acceptances: Harvard (early admission)


College Rejections: None


当 Racquel Bracken 在 2000 年赢得她的第一个全国辩论冠军时,她不禁想到这个冠军将是她大学申请的一个很好的补充。但当时来自德克萨斯州欧文的少年知道,进入哈佛需要的不仅仅是名声。意识到其他潜在申请人会在各种追求中脱颖而出,拉克尔担心她不得不为辩论放弃太多。她认为,她面临的挑战是让招生办公室相信她在辩论中的卓越表现,无论多么有限,都证明了她有能力全心全意地致力于单一的追求。

When Racquel Bracken won her first national debate championship in 2000, she could not help but think that the title would be a nice addition to her college application. But the then-teenager from Irving, Texas, knew that getting into Harvard required more than fame. Recognizing that other prospective applicants would have distinguished themselves in variety of pursuits, Racquel was worried that she had had to give up too much for debate. Her challenge, she thought, was to convince the admission office that her excellence in debate, however limited, was evidence of her ability to commit wholeheartedly to a single pursuit.

中学High School

从九年级开始,拉克尔就读于达拉斯的格林希尔学校,这是一所私立学校,高年级有 105 名学生。作为一名认真的学者,Racquel 以 3.8 的平均成绩在同学中排名第五。作为国家社会的主席,她是大学游泳运动员和跑步者,并为她的校报撰稿。然而,这些活动仅次于为她赢得头条新闻的一项课外活动:辩论。

From first grade onward, Racquel attended the Greenhill School in Dallas, a private school with 105 students in the senior class. A serious scholar, Racquel finished high school fifth among her classmates with a 3.8 grade-point average. The president of national society, she was a varsity swimmer and runner, and wrote for her school newspaper. These activities, however, were secondary to the one extracurricular that earned her headlines of her own: debate.

拉克尔和她的搭档是盘问组的两届全国冠军。作为该队四年成员,拉克尔还担任了队长。她辩论的主题包括美国对俄罗斯的外交政策,特别是在非北约国家边界使用战术不明的武器。在她高四的时候,她支持防止互联网上的盗窃的方法。每周超过 24 小时的辩论要求 Racquel 对各种主题进行广泛的研究,并与她的合作伙伴一起练习快速发言和辩论技巧。她说激烈竞争的经验和广泛旅行的机会是无价的。“在我的主要活动,辩论中,”她回忆道,“在度过一段美好时光的同时,我学到了领导力、沟通和团队合作。”

Racquel and her partner were two-time national champions in the cross-examination division. A four-year member of the team, Racquel also served as its captain. Among the topics she debated were U.S. foreign policy to Russia, particularly the use of tactical unclear weapons on the borders of non-NATO states. In her senior year she argued in favor of ways to prevent theft on the Internet. A more than twenty-four hour-a-week commitment, debate required Racquel to do extensive research on a variety of topics and to work with her partners to practice speedspeaking and argumentation skills. She says the experience of intensive competition and the opportunity to travel widely were invaluable. “within my main activity, debate,”she recalls, “I learned about leadership, communication, and teamwork while having an amazing time.”

申请和论文The Application and Essay


While debate provided her with a wealth of experience to draw upon in writing her essay, Racquel also sought to convey the admission office her commitment to her family. She wrote her supplementary essay about the goals she had achieved through debate; However she chose to write her primary essay about her father. She first wrote the piece in rhetoric class her senior year and edited it with the help of her English teacher and debate coach. In only a few pages, she described how, once embarrassed by her dad, she soon began to imitate and emulate him. A recurring theme throughout the essay was the silly joke her dad told the employees of local drive-through restaurant. “By the end of the piece”Racquel recalls, “I was the one sitting in the drive’s seat imitating him.”

联系人和连接Contacts and Connections


Racquel did not know any faculty or administrators when applying to Harvard, but she was placed on a debate watch list by a friend’s father. While she says she is not sure whether that had any effect, she also turned to a friend from debate who was already at Harvard for help. “I visited her at school, attended some classes, slept in her dorm room, spoke to her about what she liked about going to Harvard,”she says. “she not only helped me get a feel for the school but also opened a new avenue of activities for me to join when I came freeman year.”Racquel also had two interviews, one on campus and one in Dallas. She says that they were both easygoing conversations. While she didn’t write her interviewers thank-you notes immediately afterward, she says she did stay in touch and thanked them months later.

在哈佛At Harvard

尽管她在高中时非常热衷于辩论,但当拉克尔到达哈佛时,她决定转移注意力。虽然她仍然帮助指导和评判辩论比赛,但她不再参加比赛,而是将时间用于各种不同的追求。Racquel 在校园内开展了一项社区服务计划,并以休闲方式游泳和打壁球。她还对实验室科学产生了新的热情,每周花几十个小时研究干细胞,她曾在辩论比赛中判断过这个话题。

Despite her intense commitment to debate in high school, when Racquel arrived at Harvard she decided to shift her focus. While she still helps coach and judge debate tournaments, she no longer competes and uses the time for a variety of different pursuits. Racquel has run a community service program on campus and swims and plays squash recreationally. She also has found a new passion in laboratory science, and spend dozens of hours a week researching stem cells, a topic she once judged on in a debate tournament.

The Bottom Line

Racquel 建议潜在的申请者不要害怕在他们的申请中专注于一个能力或优势。“我认为我申请中最重要的部分不是我在高中时参加了多少活动,而是我缩小了我喜欢的范围,我必须选择对我来说重要的活动,然后我尽我所能地表现出色。可以参加我喜欢的活动,”她说。Racuqel 认为,大学往往寻求成熟,而证明这一点的最佳方式是展示一个人为自己所爱的事物做出牺牲的能力。

Racquel advises prospective applicants not to be afraid of focusing on one talent in their applications. “I think the most important part of my application was not that I pursued many activities in high school, but rather that I narrowed down what I enjoyed, I had to make choices what activities were important to me, and then I excelled as best I could in the activities that I loved,”she says. Racuqel believes that colleges often look for maturity and that the best way to demonstrate it is to show one’s ability to make sacrifices for something they love.

—Jessica E. Vascellaro



