

1. besides表示:除了...之外还有,but/except表示:除...之外不再有。

例如:Besides Amy, Tom also got 100.除了Amy之外,Tom也得了100分。(两人都100)

nobody got 100 except/but Tom.除了Tom没有人得100分。(只有Tom得100分)

2. but与except都表示除...外不再有,但but侧重完整性,except侧重除去的部分,两者通常都不能位于句首。

例如:All are here but Amy. 除了Amy都到了。

All are here except Amy. 只有Amy没到。

3. but的用法比except局限,当句子中有以下词语才能用but:如 no, no one, nobody, nothing, nowhere,any, anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere ,every, everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere,all, none, who, what, where等。except则无此局限。

4. except for可以位于句首,表达的意思与except相同。except主要谈论的是同类事物,except for则讨论的是不同类的事物。

例如:All compositions are well written except yours. 除了你的作文外,其他的作文都写得很好。(说的都是作文)

His composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 他的作文写得不错,只是有几处拼写错误。(前后说的不是同一类)

5. 习题巩固

1. Jane was quite alone in the world__an aunt in Brazil.A. except B. except forC. besides D. instead of 2. He gets up early every day___Sunday.A. besides B. except forC. except that D. except3. We need fifteen more people_our team to do the job.A. besides B. except forC. except that D. except答案: 1.B 2. D 3.A


