



在Mary Alice的追悼会上,Susan和Mike初次见面,两人对彼此感兴趣,但目前为止还都没有下一步的动作。善解人意的Julie主动跑去Mike家帮妈妈打听Mike的信息,并且强烈建议妈妈ask him out,真是贴心的小姑娘啊。快来看看里面地道的英语表达吧!

The morning after my funeral, my friends and neighbors quietly went back to their busy, busy lives. Some did their cooking. And some did their cleaning. And some did their yoga. Others did their homework. funeral: 葬礼。 wake:追悼会。 go back to: 回到…do cooking 煮饭 do some cleaning 打扫卫生, do yoga 做瑜伽 do one's homework 做作业

JULIE: Hi. I'm Julie, I kicked my soccer ball into your backyard. 后院

soccer ball:全球把足球仍然称为soccer的国家就只有美国和加拿大等极少数的国家了。所以在美国电影中足球仍被称为soccer,但在其他国家基本不会用soccer,而用football来称呼足球,《足球周刊》也把自己的英文名由soccer weekly改为了football weekly。专指英式足球。 football:英式足球或者美式橄榄球。美国football 叫橄榄球

MIKE: Oh, OK. Well, let's go round and get it. Stay. go round: 绕道走(Mike关上门叫朱莉绕着走到后院。)

JULIE: His wife died a year ago, he wanted to stay in LA(洛杉矶) but there were too many memories. He’s renting for tax purposes, but he's hoping to buy a place real soon.

memory: 表回忆时为可数名词,表达记忆记忆力时为不可数名词。for a purpose: 为了...目的 real soon: 马上

SUSAN: I can't believe you went over there. go over :过去

JULIE: Hey, I saw you both flirting at the wake. You're obviously into each other. Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out.flirt: 调情 at the wake: 在告别会 be into喜欢 now that: 既然 single: 单身 ask out: 请(某人)外出

SUSAN: Julie, I like Mr. Delfino, I do. It's just, I don't know if I'm ready to start dating yet.

start dating 开始约会 date n. 日期 v. 约会(谈恋爱)

JULIE: Ugh, you need to get back out there. Come on. How long has it been since you've had sex? Are you mad that I asked you that?

SUSAN: No, I'm just trying to remember. I don't wanna talk to you about my love life anymore, it weirds me out.

wanna=want to: 想要 not… anymore: 不要再 weird: 怪异的

JULIE: I wouldn't have said anything, it's just…我本来不该说的......虚拟语气,

SUSAN: What?JULIE: I heard Dad's girlfriend asking if you'd dated anyone since the divorce, and Dad said he doubted it. And then they both laughed.



