
Steamer cake is a special traditional snack in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province,Guanzhong Dialect is usually called Jinggao, and this kind of snack is known by everyone.甑糕是我们陕西关中地区特有的传统风味小吃,关中方言通常称为jinggao,这种小吃是无人不知无人不晓的。


Steamer cake is made by steaming glutinous rice with red dates or honey dates,Some add raisins or wolfberry, red beans and so on, steamed in a large pot on the grate,it has a special flavor, especially sweet food.甑糕是用糯米与红枣,或者蜜枣蒸制而成的,有的加上葡萄干或者枸杞、红小豆等用大锅在篦子上蒸制而成的别有一番风味,尤其是喜欢吃甜食的。


The glutinous rice and jujube should be soaked well in advance The first layer is covered with red dates ( honey dates ) on the grates and the second layer is covered with glutinous rice, and so on, one layer is more than one layer ,On the top floor is a layer of red dates ( honey dates )Then use a big fire to boil, and then use the text fire 5 ~ 6 hours can be.甑糕要提前泡好糯米和红枣(蜜枣),第一层在箅子上铺上红枣(蜜枣)第二层铺层糯米,一此类推,一层比一层多,最顶层是铺一层红枣(蜜枣)。然后用大火烧开,再用文火烧5~6小时即可。The steamer cake steamed out in this way is not only soft and hard, but also moderate,jujube aroma is rich, red and white, and presents a crystal red color,it tastes sweet and sticky, with great heat and taste.这样蒸出的甑糕,不仅层层软硬适度,枣香浓郁,红白相间,而且呈现出晶莹的绛红色泽,吃起来粘甜适口,热量又大,滋味特美。


Especially in autumn and winter, steamer cake vendors can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Guanzhong District, Shaanxi Province,many office workers also eat as breakfast, but can not eat more, not easy to digest.尤其在秋冬季节,在陕西关中地区大街小巷随处可见甑糕摊贩,很多上班族还当作早餐吃,但是不可多吃,不易消化。


