
The Quartet

Monkey, goat, Donkey and bear prepare to play a quartet. With their music, two cellos, a viola and a violin in hand, they sat under a kupti tree, ready to conquer the world with their great skill. But what sounds are they playing, babbling, a jumble of noises.

"Stop it, boys! "You see, we're not even in the right seats. Now, the cellist will sit opposite the viola, and the violinists will sit opposite each other. That will do."

They switched places and played again, but no matter how they played, the effect was still poor.

"Stop," said the Donkey. "I see. I'm getting the hang of it. I'm sure if we sit in a row we'll make some beautiful music!"

So they sat in a row again, as the donkey suggested, but the result was still not good. At this moment, there was an uproar, one saying that he should sit this way, the other saying that he should sit that way, and no one would give in.

The noise, called a nightingale. Everyone asked it for tips on playing.

"Please teach us patiently," they said. "The four of us are going to play a quartet. You see, we have instruments and we have music, but we can't make any beautiful music anyway. Will you hurry up and teach us how to sit?"

"To play a quartet well, you must know the art of playing," answered the Nightingale. "It is not enough to know how to sit. And no matter how you play or how you sit, you are not cut out for music. If you have time, you'd better be busy with something else!"

Only do what really suits you can do it well. The problem should be solved from the root, not from insignificant aspects.




“停一下吧,兄弟们!” 小猴子说道,“你看,我们连位置都没有坐对呢。来,拉大提琴的坐在拉中提琴的对面,两个拉小提琴的也面对面地坐下,这样一定可以了。”


“停一停,” 驴子说道,“我知道了。我找到窍门了,我相信只要我们坐成一排的话,就一定可以弹奏出美妙动听的音乐了!”



“请你耐心地教教我们吧,” 他们说 ,“我们四个打算搞一个四重奏。你看,我们有乐器,还有乐谱,但是不管怎样我们都弹奏不出美妙动听的音乐来,你快点教教我们应该怎样坐吧?”

“要把四重奏演奏得得心应手,你们必须懂得演奏的技术,” 夜莺回答说,“光知道怎样坐是不够的。而且,不管你们是怎样弹奏,怎样坐,你们都是不适合接音乐的。有时间,你们还是忙点别的事情吧!”



