


To clean up the waste materials from the refurbishment of Statue of Liberty the US government invited public tenders. A Jewish merchant, traveling in France then, flew back to New York immediately upon the news. After observing mountainous copper blocks, screws and timber piled at the foot of the Statue, he signed the contract without any precondition or hesitation.


His ignorant act drew down ridiculous sniffers because New York State had imposed stringent regulations on rubbish treatment and environment groups would also initiate legal proceedings against the violators. The standers-by were expecting him to make a spectacle of himself when he got down to disposition of manpower for garbage classification. Scraps of copper were melted and casted into miniatures of Statue of Liberty; blocks of cement and wood were manufactured into bases of the miniatures and scraps of lead and aluminum were made into keys to New York Square. Even the dust cleaned from the Statue was also packaged and sold to flower shops. Finally he converted the huge pile of waste into cash of 3.5 million dollars, achieving an increase of 10,000 times in the price of every pound copper.


While people exclaimed at his success he responded them with merely one word, “Thanks to wisdom for my opportunities and riches.”


Allegedly, almost all mothers in Jewish families, the enlightenment educators, will ask their children the same question, “What is shapeless, colorless and odorless but more valuable than money or diamond?” If the children have no answer they will say,” Honey, the answer is wisdom. Wisdom is eternal treasure. It will lead us to success and it will keep us away from poverty forever.” For intelligent and sagacious Jews everything is available through purchase and recoverable except wisdom, the lifelong treasure of inestimable value. The book is the head fountain of wisdom. To kindle their children’s interest in books, as early as toddlers, mothers will drop honey onto the books and instruct the children to lip the honey on the books with the aim of telling the children that the books are sweet.


Some people are not born to be cleverer than others but they have a deeper understanding of how to cast an invaluable gold coin—wisdom.


