英语新高考读后续写怎么写 读后续写微技能

英语新高考读后续写怎么写 读后续写微技能(1)

一. 介词短语

1. determinedly=with determination 坚定地;毅然决然地; 坚忍不拔地

2. interestedly=with interest 饶有兴趣地

3. confidently=with confidence 满怀信心地

4. patiently=with patience 耐心地

5. proudly=with pride 骄傲地;自豪地

6. enthusiastically=with enthusiasm 热心地; 热情地;感兴趣地

7. sympathetically=with sympathy 同情地

8. cautiously =with caution小心地;谨慎地

9. enviously=with envy 嫉妒地

10. curiously=with curiosity 好奇地

11. anxiously=with anxiety 焦虑地

12. devotedly=with devotion 热爱地;忠诚地;全心全意地

13. sorrowfully=with sorrow 悲痛地;非常伤心地

14. with sadness 伤心地

15. with fear 因为害怕

16. with courage 勇敢地

17. with joy 高兴地

18. embarrassedly=with/in embarrassment 难为情地;尴尬地

19. contentedly=with/in satisfaction 满意地

20. delightedly=with/in delight 高兴地

21. excitedly=with/in excitement 激动地;兴奋地

22. disgustedly=with/in disgust 厌恶地

23. with/ in relief 如释重负地;松了口气;欣慰地

24. with/in surprise 吃惊地

25. amazedly=in amazement 吃惊地

26. confusedly=in confusion 困惑地

27. admiringly=in admiration 仰慕地

28. silently= in silence 默默地

29. angrily=in anger 愤怒地;生气地

30. secretly=in secret 秘密地;偷偷地

31. hurriedly=in a hurry 匆忙地

32. fearfully=in fear=in (a) panic=in terror= in horror 害怕地

33. in puzzlement 困惑地

34. in shock 震惊地


1. He fought the illness _________________(勇敢地) and determination.

【答案】with courage

2. They watched the experiment ____________________(非常感兴趣地).

【答案】with great interest;with great enthusiasm

3. He answered the questions _________________(自信地).

【答案】with confidence

4. He listened to her explanation ________________(耐心地).

【答案】with patience

5. I wear my policeman's uniform ________________(自豪地).

【答案】with pride

6. He went into the cave ________________(非常好奇地).

【答案】with great curiosity

7. We waited for news ________________(焦虑地).

【答案】with anxiety

8. We all watched ________________(尴尬地) as Mr Rogers started to cry.

【答案】with/in embarrassment

9. 'I've passed all my exams', he announced ________________(满意地).

【答案】with/in satisfaction

10. Gillian and Darren greeted the speakers ________________(热情地).

【答案】with great enthusiasm

11. Desmond eyed her anguished face ________________(同情地).

【答案】with sympathy

12. In fog you should drive ________________(特别小心地).

【答案】with extreme caution; with great care

13. I look ________________(羡慕地) on those lucky people with big families.

【答案】with envy

14. The kids were screaming ________________(高兴地).

【答案】with/in delight;with joy

15. He looked at me ________________(困惑地) and did not answer the question.

【答案】in confusion/puzzlement

16. The whole ceremony took place ________________(寂静无声地).

【答案】in complete silence

17. 'It's a lie!' he shouted ________________(愤怒地).

【答案】in anger

18. They accepted the decision ________________(伤心地).

【答案】with sadness

19. She clapped her hands ________________(激动地).

【答案】with/in excitement

20. He stared at the animal ________________(吃惊地).

【答案】in amazement; with/in surprise

21. Sam threw his books down ________________(厌恶地) and stormed out of the room.

【答案】with/in disgust

22. He watched ________________(如释重负地)as the girl nodded.

【答案】with/in relief

23. Daniel gazed at her ________________(仰慕地;钦佩地).

【答案】with/in admiration

24. She looked round ________________(震惊地), unwilling to believe what she had seen.

【答案】in shock

25. The meeting was held ________________(秘密地).

【答案】in secret

26. He had something to deal with, so he had to leave ________________(匆忙地).

【答案】in a hurry

27. He ran away ________________(害怕地).

【答案】in fear/panic/terror/horror

28. His face was white ________________(因为害怕).

【答案】with fear

29. He had to leave his hometown ________________(非常伤心地).

【答案】with sorrow


