
Rystad Energy 周四表示,由于天然气价格飙升可能导致欧洲国家能源需求转向煤炭:2022 年煤炭价格可能突破每吨 500 美元。 欧盟领导人于本周四齐聚一堂,共同应对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,就经济制裁的力度、削减俄罗斯能源进口的速度以及是否让乌克兰迅速加入欧盟等问题发表了各自的不同看法。


“如果最终对俄罗斯的煤炭贸易也实施制裁,或是中断俄罗斯的铁路/港口运输,都会使煤炭的价格飙升为天价,”Rystad Energy 表示。


俄罗斯为欧盟提供超过40% 的天然气,超过四分之一的石油和近一半的煤炭。


船舶价值公司高级贸易专家 Plamen Natzkoff 表示,与去年同期相比,2022年头两个月,由于一些天气原因致使的贸易中断也使坎布拉港煤炭码头的总出口量下降约15%



Coal prices could cross $500 per tonne in 2022, underpinned by soaring gas prices which may lead European countries to turn to coal, Rystad Energy said on Thursday.

European Union leaders gathered on Thursday to forge a joint response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with differing views on how far to go with economic sanctions, how quickly to cut Russian energy imports and whether or not to let Ukraine join their bloc swiftly.

“If sanctions on coal trade with Russia eventuate or there is a physical disruption to Russian rail/port transportation, then the sky’s the limit (for coal prices),” Rystad Energy said.

The threat of additional demand and lack of available supply is moving the market, it added.

Russia provides the EU with more than 40% of its natural gas, more than a quarter of its oil imports and almost half of its coal.

Adding to supply concerns, Australia declared a national emergency on Wednesday in response to devastating floods along its east coast which affected coal producing regions of the country.

These weather-related disruptions reduced total exports in the first two months of 2022 from Port Kembla Coal Terminal by 15% compared to the same period last year, said Plamen Natzkoff, senior trade expert at VesselsValue.


