



本期我们要分享的是《侠盗罗宾汉》故事中出现的两个地点:Sherwood Forest Nottingham Castle

1.Sherwood Forest






2.Nottingham Castle


诺丁汉城(Nottingham Castle)是英国的一座城堡,位于英格兰诺丁汉。在中世纪时,这座城堡曾经是一座大型皇家城堡,也是皇室不定期的住所。目前也是一个著名的旅游景点,如果去诺丁汉旅游,别忘来去诺丁汉城走走。那里也会不定期举办活动,如果感兴趣可上官网查看,时间合适可以去参加。



Early the next morning at Nottingham Castle, the Sheriff and his friend Sir Guy Gisborne look down from a castle window...... Suddenly, it’s Robin. Run to the forest! The boy is getting away! Robin Hood wins again(得手)!This Robin Hood likes to win. I've got an idea. A day or two later….. There's a shooting contest in Nottingham. The winner gets a silver arrow(银剑)! That's very interesting. I'm afraid,Robin.Why does the Sheriff want to have a contest?Perhaps he wants to catch you. I know. But I must win the contest for the people of Nottingham. On the day of the contest......Who is the best man in this contest? Sir Guy is the best man with a bow and arrow(弓箭手). Where's Robin Hood? I don't see him.Do you? He's here,I know. He likes to win shooting contests.Then we can catch him! Forty men shoot their arrows. Three men hit their targets in the centre--Sir Guy Gisborne, one of the Sheriff's men, and an old man with a beard.They shoot again. This time, the Sheriff's man and Sir Guy do badly(成绩欠佳). But the old man's arrow hits the centre! Only one man can do that! Robin Hood ! Get him! The Sheriff's men are very slow.And everyone wants to help Robin.

I don't have my silver arrow.I must go back and get it one day.Ha!Ha!Ha! Sir Guy Gisborne visits Lord Fitzwalter. Listen, Fitzwalter. I want to marry your daughter, lady Marian. No!I can never marry him! He's a bad man, and I love Robin. I understand, my daughter. But Sir Guy can make things bad for us(会给我们使坏的). I must go away. Yes, my daughter. Two days later,Robin is walking through the forest.Suddenly he sees a young boy sitting a tree. What are you doing here? I'm looking for Robin Hood. Is this boy working for the Sheriff?Robin Hood is an outlaw and a thief. That's not true!Robin Hood isn't a thief! Take out your sword(剑) and fight!I don't fight children. I'm not a child. Robin!Robin!Don't you know me ? Marian! It's you! Lady Marian tells Robin about Sir Guy...And I can never marry him! Not in a hundred years! I love you,Robin. And I love you, Marian. You must stay in Sherwood Forest with me. A week later,Robin and Marian get married in Sherwood forest. We must fight for everything that is good and right. When King Richard comes back to England.he must know that we are his true friends.


