
现在的孩子经常玩的是智能手机游戏 (play games on smartphones)、角色扮演游戏 (RPG Role Play Game)等,而过去的孩子玩捉迷藏 (hide-and-seek)、跳绳 (jumping ropes) 等户外活动 (outdoor activities)。

Q: Are the activities children do nowadays different from those in the past?

A: Definitely, the activities children partake in nowadays are vastly different compared to children in the past. Several decades ago, children preferred to go outside to play with their friends and they were able to get closer to nature. In contrast, children in this day and age are prone to staying at home to use technological devices for communication and entertainment.


partake in 参与= take part in=participate in

be prone to 易于……,有……的倾向

technological device 科技设备


Q:What are the benefits and downsides of outdoor activities and indoor activities?

A: Outdoor activities allow participants to experience nature in a natural environment, such as mountain climbing or bungee jumping. On the other hand, outdoor undertakings are heavily dependent on the weather and may be cancelled if it rains or snows. Indoor activities do not rely on weather and can be enjoyed all-year-round. By contrast, indoor activities are limited to the venue and participants cannot venture outside.


participant n. 参与者

bungee jumping 蹦极

venue n. 场地

venture vi. 冒险



