

137 敕封佛慈洪法大师回山







Being conferred the title “Vast Dharma of the Buddha’s Compassion” and returning to the mountain

The Emperor then bestowed upon the Master a set of Imperial Tripitaka, a complete Imperial carriage, as well as a purple robe, a bowl, a jade seal, a tin staff, and an as-you-will sceptre.

“The Venerable Abbot Hsu Yun is hereby granted the title ‘The Great Master Vast Dharma of the Buddha’s Compassion,’ and it is hereby decreed that he is entrusted with returning to the mountain to transmit the precepts for the protection of the country and its people. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby instructed to inform the Venerable Abbot Hsu Yun of this edict, which provides that he receive the gifts and return to the mountain, where he can be ever protective of its monasteries, and continue to make known the Teachings. The public officials and citizens of the area should sincerely implement and protect this proclamation. Disregard for it will not be tolerated.”

The verse says:

The petition of the Honored One, Vast Dharma of the Buddha’s Compassion,

Was now accepted.

By Imperial edict he returned to Chu Sheng Mountain

To spread the teachings and transform all classes of beings.


138 戒源和尚妙老示寂







Venerating Venerable Miao, source of the precepts master , upon his entering the stillness

The Master was sixty-eight in 1907. Transporting the Tripitaka back to the mountain, he reached Amoy in the spring, where he received a telegram from Ku Shan (Drum Mountain) informing him that the Venerable Miao Lien (Wonderful Lotus) had passed away on Kuei Shan Mountain in the fish month of the year. The Master immediately left for the mountain to set up the stupa. It rained heavily day after day. On the tenth day of the fourth lunar month, a stupa was completed, and on the eighth of the following month, the weather was clear. On the tenth, the public officials and common people took to the roads in a continuous stream to the mountain. There were one hundred tables of offerings, and during the recitation of the food-transforming mantra, a sudden whirlwind arose and lifted aloft the offerings. A multi-colored light was seen coming from the stupa.

The verse says:

Rainbow light came forth from the stupa penetrating to the Ninth Heaven.

All looked up with sounds of praise for the eminent Master Miao.

When the offering was over, he returned to the temple, pelted by torrents of rain.

The Way and response are intertwined and not off by a hair.


