
2019高考英语全国卷 II 阅读理解 B 篇阅读理解解题思路


与A篇考查skipping跳读能力不同,阅读C, B, D三篇文章要运用scanning扫读技巧,先从头到尾浏览全文,判断文体和结构特点,再根据设问去文中找到与设问相关的段落句行,从而选择每题的最佳选项。



第4、5段为”议论表观点”:做志愿者的感觉真好,从而表明观点,最后一段最后一句:if others benefit in the process, and I get some reward too, does it really matter where my motivation lies? 如果别人在过程中受益,自己也得到了一些回报,有无动机又有什么关系呢?指这位家长开始不是很情愿,但后来做得很好,没有心理准备也能做出有益的事情。



24.What can we infer about the parent from her reply in paragraph 1?

A. She knows little about the club.

B. She isn't good at sports.

C. She just doesn't want to volunteer.

D. She's unable to meet her schedule.

her reply in paragraph 1就是第1段第1句:“You can use me as a last resort(选择), and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.”如果没别人做她才做,就是不想做,选C。

25.What does the underlined phrase“tug at the heartstrings”in paragraph 2 mean ?

A. Encourage team work .

B. Appeal to feeling.

C. Promote good deeds.

D. Provide advice.

第2段中So I try again and tug at the heartstrings.与前面的内容是因果关系,分析了这位家长不太愿意做志愿者的几个原因,也许是因为工作忙,也许是社交焦虑,因此老师tug at the heartstrings。

从后面举其它几个家长乐于帮忙的例子来看,这位家长need a little persuading,需要劝说,最后被说服答应帮忙。tug at the heartstrings是拨动心弦,也就是被打动的意思,所以选B,Appeal to feeling,与情感有关。


26. What can we learn about the parent from paragraph 3 ?

A. She gets interested in lacrosse.

B. She is proud of her kids.

C. She'll work for another season.

D. She becomes a good helper.

第3段讲The unwilling parent为球队做了很多事情,这是一个无主题句的段落,需要读者自己归纳总结,只有D适合做本段的段落大意。

27. Why does the author like doing volunteer work?

A. It gives her a sense of duty.

B. It makes her very happy.

C. It enables her to work hard.

D. It brings her material rewards.

这是就第4段设问。第4 段也是先分后总,主题句是归纳后一句Volunteering just feels so good. 与B. It makes her very happy.是近义与释义的词汇复现关系。


