
WIPO China: Madrid System New Online Service – Correcting Errors in the International Register


图:WIPO | Photo: WIPO


You can now request correction of an error in the International Register through eMadrid, following an intuitive, step-by-step process. This service is free-of-charge.


Reminder! You can only request correction of an error made by WIPO or an Intellectual Property (IP) Office. We cannot fix errors made by holders or their representatives.


How does Correction of a Recording work?

1. 进入eMadrid,选择“Correct a Recording(更正登记)”。

1. Go to eMadrid and select “Correct a Recording”;

2. 用产权组织帐户登录。

2. Log in with your WIPO Account;

3. 选择必填字段,并输入六/七位数的国际注册号或十位数的产权组织文号。

3. Select the required fields and enter your six/seven-digit international registration number or 10-digit WIPO reference number.

提示!如果想更正多项国际注册中的同一错误,则必须使用产权组织文号。产权组织文号可见于我们发送的任何电子邮件,或通过eMadrid下的“Monitor Your registration(监视注册)”(请参考“Real-time Status(实时状态)”选项卡)找到。

Tip! If you wish to correct the same error in several international registrations, you must use your WIPO reference number. You can find your WIPO reference number in any email communications sent by us, or via “Monitor Your registration” under eMadrid (refer to the ‘Real-time Status’ tab).

4. 选择希望更正的记录,添加错误描述和/或上传任何支持文件。

4. Select the record(s) that you wish to correct, add a description of the error and/or upload any supporting document(s);

5. 检查所显示的请求摘要。

5. Check the summary of your request as displayed;

6. 以电子方式签名并发送请求。

6. Sign electronically and send your request.

我们将向您发送一封附有产权组织文号的确认邮件。您可以使用该文号,通过eMadrid下的“Monitor Your registration(监视注册)”跟踪请求状态。

We will send you an email confirmation with a WIPO reference number. Use that number to track the status of your request through “Monitor Your Registration” under eMadrid.


Benefits of using eMadrid


Reduced irregularities;


faster processing of requests;


automatic confirmations;


real-time status updates; and


central and secure access to all your transactions.


Please visit WIPO website via the following link for detailed information concerning the Madrid System.

马德里体系新闻: https://www.wipo.int/madrid/zh/news/


