
Teach Yourself Drums With This Ultimate Guide


Want to learn how to play drums? Whether you’ve just bought your first kit or you aren’t sure how to get started, this resource covers the basics of drumming.如果你想学习打鼓,无论你刚买了第一套鼓,或者不确定如何开始,这个资源都涵盖了鼓的基础知识。

In this guide, you’ll learn how to choose the equipment that works for you, watch videos that show you how to start playing drums, and even learn to read music.在此指南中,您将学习如何选择适合您的设备,观看显示您如何开始打鼓的视频,甚至学习阅读音乐。

Table of Contents

  • Parts of the drum set
  • How to choose drum equipment
  • How to set up the drums
  • How to tune drums
  • How to count music
  • How to read music
  • How to hold drumsticks
  • Beginner drum lessons
  • How to warm up on drums
  • How to practice drums
  • How to find a drum teacher
  • The 7 biggest mistakes beginner drummers make


• 套鼓组件• 如何选择鼓• 如何安装鼓• 如何调音 • 如何数节拍• 如何读乐谱• 如何拿鼓槌• 鼓初学者教程• 如何热身 • 如何练习架子鼓• 如何找到鼓老师• 初学鼓手最常犯的7个错误

1、Parts of the drum set 套鼓组件

Some people call it a ‘drum set’ and others call it a ‘drum kit’. Whatever you call it, the drums are aninstrument that has no right or wrong when it comes to how many pieces, and which pieces, you can use tocreate sound. For the purpose of this guide, we’re going to focus on the essential components to get youstarted on the drums. 有些人称它为“鼓组”,其他人称它为“套鼓”。无论您如何称呼它,鼓都是一种乐器,在使用多少件以及哪些件来制造声音方面没有正确或错误的概念。就本指南的目的而言,我们将重点关注使您开始打鼓所必需的组成部分。


This image shows a basic five-piece kit, which typically includes these drums:

1.Bass drum

2.Snare drum

3.High tom (or first tom)

4.Mid tom (or second tom)

5.Floor tom (or low tom)


Bass drum: Also known as a ‘kick drum’, this is the biggest piece of the kit. It rests on the floor, has two small‘legs’ to keep it in place, and gives your rhythms that low ‘boom’. Drummers use a bass drum pedal (or ‘kickpedal’) with a beater (or ‘mallet’) to strike the surface of the bass drum. Most drummers use a single pedal, but some drummers (especially metal and rock players) might use a double pedal for quick patterns.


Snare drum:This drum sits right in front of you. The snare wires beneath the drum vibrate when you strike itand gives it its signature sound. If you want to change the amount of ‘snare’ sound, this drum has a lever (or‘throw off’) and dial you can use to adjust the tension.


Tom-tom: Usually abbreviated to ‘tom’, this drum can come in a variety of sizes and is useful when playing drum fills and tribal rhythms.


Hi-hats: The hi-hat is a combination of two cymbals that sit together. They’re mounted on a hi-hat stand, andthe stand’s pedal allows the top hi-hat to open and close.

踩镲:两个镲片在一起的组合。它们安装在踩镲架上,踏板可以打开和关闭踩镲顶部的镲片。Crash cymbal:These cymbals can come in a variety of sizes and add a burst of sound when punctuating oraccenting notes in your drum parts.


Ride cymbal:Rides are usually the biggest cymbal on the kit and they have the biggest surface area. You’re more likely to ‘ride’ (play consistently) on this cymbal, and it has a distinct ‘ping’ sound.


You’ll also need drumheads (or ‘skins’) for each drum. There’s usually one head on the top (the batter head)and one head on the bottom (the resonant head) that together give the drum its full sound. And of course, you’ll need drumsticks so you can hit the thing.



