


评论翻译ShanThis is so embarrassing I can only imagine all the people just stoped and stare at him这太尴尬了,我能想象所有的人都停下来盯着他看Pélé SyncThe fence didn't embarrass him, his stupidity did.让他尴尬的不是栅栏,而是他的愚蠢DIWNo it was the fence不,是栅栏Dzsamila #Lol哈哈googlemoogle888He was not embarrass, only the people who is watching this is.他没有感到尴尬,只有观看的人感到尴尬CheungChing TongClimbing the fence on the street is illegal in China, ppl gets fine for doing that.So there was one dude in a funny video that camera showed him climbed the fence and droped on the other side right on the seat of one traffic policeman's motorbike which was happened passing by. Caused millions of laughters. lol在中国,在街上爬栅栏是违法的,这样做会被罚款在一个有趣的视频里,,摄像机显示出有一个人,他爬上了栅栏正好跌落在另一辆恰好路过的交通警察摩托车的座位上,引起了数百万人的笑声 哈哈RED EFGAtleast he has mask to cover his face, that would lessen the embarrassment for him lol至少他有口罩盖住了他的脸,这将减轻他的尴尬,哈哈Pintu KayuImagine being an introvert and this happen to you.想象一下你是一个内向的人,而且这事正好发生在你身上BT AJust instant mental and emotional death精神和情感会瞬间崩溃Jason NagIntroverts after seeing this comment : breathing intensifies内向的人看到这个评论后:呼吸加快Jarrod Palmera true introvert would never put themselves in such a position一个真正内向的人永远不会让自己处于这样的境地Spiderpool Devi@Jarrod Palmer exactly完全正确Putri SNMy hands are sweating by just the thought of it. 一想到这事,我的手就冒汗TUO LINo introvert will do such action.没有内向的人会这样做cellee26i bet the taxi driver was taking photos.我敢打赌出租车司机肯定正在拍照Mai NerdsNo... Video不...他们肯定在拍视频Liyan XuTikTok肯定是拍抖音Al96naan not as embarrassing as that girl getting stuck on that metro train pole when doing gymnastics这肯定不会像那个女孩做体操时被卡在地铁杆子上那么尴尬LemAh yes the 69是啊 还是69式#69 STONKSWhat?? Cud u please send the lix to the video???什么? ?请把视频的链接发给我Harvey LiuistrongEverything is getting "smart" nowadays, except human beings!现在一切都变得“聪明”了,除了人类Chafid WahyuStupidity will always exist everywhere no matter how clever human is无论人类有多聪明,愚蠢总是无处不在ShakiraVery true太对了Tasnim RifaThese two things don't have any limit:1. The universe 2. Human's stupidity有两样东西是没有极限的1.宇宙2.人类的愚蠢


Mahbooty Beshakin’ahaahhahhaaa哈哈哈哈.Oh man哇哦 天哪ZENSIBLEThat's where the term"Being ON the fence"Came from.这就是“骑墙观望”一词的由来herm onhahahaha, you are taking the shortcut, but it comes out to be a longcut & embarrassing moment.哈哈哈哈,你走了捷径,但结果却是一个漫长而尴尬的时刻Kesang WongmoHope he has learned his mistake never will be doing that.. Again希望他已经认识到自己的错误,永远不要再那样做了The fence's function:1. Let you know you are not supposed to cross from here.2. Put you on public shaming if you ignore 栅栏的功能:1. 让你知道你不应该从这里过马路2. 如果你无视这点,就会让你在公众面前丢脸uhh noI’d surely get ptsd if I were him, imagine. The looks, the vehicles passing you close, the embarrassment.如果我是他,我一定会得ptsd(创伤后应激障碍)想想看,那些从你身边经过的车辆都看着你,这太尴尬了gthreesixLOL I always wondered if those fences stopped anyone.哈哈,我一直在想那些围栏能不能阻挡得了任何人Gringo Sintingthis will teach him and other jaywalkers a lesson这将会给他和其他不遵守交通规则的人一个教训


Alexander Rafael NavarroI want to meet that fence and say thank you.我想去见见那个栅栏,并且说声谢谢JetEven though that is embarrassing, at least his face on the video isn't clear to recognize him also he's wearing a mask. He's lucky still.尽管这很尴尬,但至少视频中他的脸是看不清楚的,无法认出他来,而且他戴着口罩,他是幸运的New DivideHe is one of the ultra legend.他是超级传奇人物之一Jake RReminds me of a baby trying to climb over a safety gate.这让我想起一件事,一个婴儿试图爬过安全门GrandLineGamerIf I was him I would pretend to just be sitting如果我是他,我会假装只是坐在上面Moviez StuffIn the end, he ran to home crying最后,他哭着跑回家JuggrouxxThis is why we need more cctv cameras这就是为什么我们需要更多的摄像头buddy manHe so entertaining 他很有娱乐精神


PapillonThat's why you should stay at home 这就是你应该呆在家里的原因


Andreas HauschildHe fully deserves this. And he should pay a fine on top of it.这是他应得的,除此之外,他还得交罚金Lucysky 123What happens if the car came beside him this is dangerous如果车开到他旁边会发生什么?这很危险


lu andyMaybe Jackie Chan’s movie inspired him也许是成龙的电影给了他灵感ROMiisorry but this is hilarious抱歉,但是这太好笑了Goemon IshikawaOk a kid I can forgive but a man? That is just sad and a new level of low好吧,我可以原谅一个孩子,但是一个成年男人嘛这太可悲了,素质太低了Lockon StratosIt was me, don’t laugh那就是我,别笑cymjeff92This is a weird news post这是个奇怪的新闻jurgelWhy he did it over and over again, smh.为什么他一遍又一遍地这么做BaabaablacksheephaveyouanywoolImagine a speeding car hits him and tears him right off. Half his body stuck on the fence half dragged meters away. Guts pouring out and he squirms in misery.想象一下,要是来了一辆高速行驶的汽车正好撞到他,会把他撞成两半的他一半身体还卡在栅栏上,另一半会被拖到几米远的地方内脏会被撞的倾泻而出,他会在痛苦中挣扎Makoy Jojamconsequence of being disobedient这就是不听话的后果True North Strong and FreeThe “zebra” crossing is only a few meters away! The fact it’s not called a “crosswalk” is the main reason thousands are killed every year when they are in it! Drivers routinely ignore the “zebra” crossing!这离斑马线只有几米远司机经常无视人行横道,这是每年成千上万的人被杀的主要原因PiscodeActually the fence was a trap.实际上,这个栅栏其实是个陷阱iLluSioNWorst punishment in the world这是世界上最糟糕的惩罚Doris HiwCrazy fellow疯狂的家伙



Money or LoveHe is a clown from the circus.他是马戏团的小丑Jemma Jlol there is nothing amusing about this, he picked himself up very quickly and moved on哈哈哈,这没什么好笑的,他很快就会振作起来,并且继续前进Axel:R Axel Raffasya Reyhan Jazuli HalloweenPoor他太可怜了U HMaybe Trump doesn't need a wall along the border. Just put up one of these shaky railing thingy.也许特朗普不需要沿着边界建墙只需要把这些摇摇晃晃的栏杆搭起来就行了grandioraYes its embarassing and I'm not condoning what the guy did, but why would the authorities put in that fence in the first place!是的,这很尴尬,我也不会宽恕那个家伙的所作所为但首先,为什么要把栅栏放在那个地方呢!Sayan guriaLol his first thought would be 'no one saw me right'哈哈,他的第一个念头肯定是“没有人在看我”QuicktwostepsThat's nothing. In Manila, if you get caught jaywalking at Alabang, they put you in this small, six-sided, barred red cell. And the cell is literally on the street for others to spectate. but police gets easily bribed on the spot, so the cell is mostly unoccupied.在马尼拉,发生这种事没什么大不了的,但是如果你在阿拉巴马州乱穿马路被逮个正着,他们会把你关在一个小小的,有六个面的牢房里这个牢房实际上是在大街上,以便供其他人观看但是警察很容易被贿赂,所以这些牢房大部分都是空的Big leeWho here wouldn't move a muscle to help him?旁边的人就不能动动手来帮助下他?꧁*ƘƝƠҲ*꧂He may be sutpid or crazyBut why no one tried to help.他可能是愚蠢或疯狂的但是为什么没有人试图给他提供下帮助NyahahahaAtleast he wore his mask lol.至少他还戴着口罩 哈哈Azliana LyanaThe level of idiocy is too high这创造了愚蠢的新高度mr blueI feel embarrassed watching him我看着他,就感受到了那种尴尬NcraftpeThere is nothing wrong about this, he just didn't have the will power to climb over.这没什么不对的他只是没有爬过栅栏的那种意志力NathRKThat is... Entertainment.那是...娱乐F .AOr maybe you don't know the circumstances that lead this guy t climb that wall so maybe you shouldn't judge the actions of others.你也不知道是什么原因让他爬上了那堵墙所以也许你不应该评判别人的行为Harry Dong"Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.“相信你的无限潜力,你唯一的限制就是你自己“Meow MilevI would do the same also. Following the majority doesn't bring satisfaction in your daily lives! If you are different, be different! Who knows, that few meters get you worldwide fame?我也会这么做的,随大流并不会给你的日常生活带来满足感,如果你想变的不一样,那就要与众不同!谁知道呢,为了少走个几米,翻个栅栏没准就能让你享誉全世界Anonymous PotatoAnd this is why people are calling the new generation idiots.这就是为什么人们会称呼新生代为白痴的原因NireiaIts a joke, potato.这是开玩笑的,土豆Anonymous Potato@Nireia well then sorry for not getting it.好吧,很抱歉我没有GET到笑点Langit BiruThe fence: "Not again...dude why you always like this"栅栏:“不会吧,又来了……你为什么总是喜欢这样”GERONIMOUGH... I badly want to buy those umbrellas in motorcycle额...我很想买可以放在摩托车上的那些雨伞Sleep With Kitty.Brain: "We are the smartest things"Fence: "you sure?"大脑:“我们是最聪明的东西”栅栏:“你确定吗?”


Criz EricWhat a shame for himself if his friends seeing this 如果他的朋友们看到了这一切,他会感到多么丢脸啊kharisma pflorida man be like finally a worthy opponent our battle will be legendary佛罗里达人终于有了个像样的对手这场对决将流传万世Syn Wei“Help me step bro I’m stuck!”“帮我挪一挪,兄弟,我被卡住了!George MartinusThis recalls me to the previous video of a woman tried to do gymnastics on the MRT handles. She got stuck.这让我想起了以前的一个视频,一位女士试图在地铁的把手上做体操她也是被卡住了NOTCHBADthe police cars are so fast to be there for this guy who is like trapped in a spider web!警车正飞快地赶来救援这个像是被困在蜘蛛网上的家伙!



