

More than 2m adults in UK cannot afford to eat every day, survey finds-One in seven adults estimated to be food-insecure, up 57% from January, owing to rising cost of living调查发现,英国有200多万成年人每天吃不起饭——由于生活成本不断上涨,估计七分之一的成年人处于粮食不安全状态,较1月份上升了57%


(Food banks say people are requesting food that does not need to be cooked or stored in a fridge or freezer.)(食品银行表示,人们正在要求无需烹饪或无需储存在冰箱和冷冻室的食物。)新闻:

More than 2 million adults in the UK have gone without food for a whole day over the past month because they cannot afford to eat, according to a survey revealing the “catastrophic” impact of the cost of living crisis.根据一项调查显示,在过去的一个月里,英国有超过200万成年人因为吃不起饭而一整天都没有食物。该调查揭示了生活成本危机的“灾难性”影响。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The latest survey of the nation’s food intake shows a 57% jump in the proportion of households cutting back on food or skipping meals over the first three months of this year, with one in seven adults (7.3 million) estimated to be food-insecure, up from 4.7 million in January.对全国食品摄入量的最新调查显示,今年前三个月,减少食物或不吃饭的家庭比例上升了57%,七分之一的成年人(730万)处于食品不安全状态,高于1月份的470万。

The shadow work and pensions secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, described the findings as devastating, saying they exposed how families were being left in desperate hardship. “Boris Johnson is responsible for this crisis and has no solutions to fix it,” he said.影子内阁工作和养老金大臣乔纳森·阿什沃斯称这些调查结果是毁灭性的,称它们暴露了家庭是如何陷入绝望的困境的。“鲍里斯·约翰逊应该对这场危机负责,但他没有解决方案,”他说。

The survey came as one of Britain’s biggest energy suppliers called for urgent government action to help households cope with an anticipated £1,000 rise in bills this winter. The London fire brigade, meanwhile, was forced to issue an urgent safety warning against improvising fires at home, after a man set fire to his house by burning timber in his living room to keep warm.这项调查出炉之际,英国最大的能源供应商之一呼吁政府采取紧急行动,帮助家庭应对今年冬天预计将上涨1000英镑的账单。与此同时,伦敦消防队被迫发布紧急安全警告,禁止在家中临时生火。此前,一名男子为了取暖,在自家客厅点燃了木材。

The research by the Food Foundation thinktank found millions more people – including 2.6 million children – report they now have smaller meals than usual, regularly skip meals altogether or do not eat when they are hungry, as food insecurity returns to levels last seen at the start of the first national lockdown.由食品基金会智库开展的这项研究还发现了数百万人(其中包括260万儿童)报告称,随着粮食不安全恢复到了第一次全国封锁开始时的水平,他们现在的饭量比平时少,经常不吃饭,或者饿了也不吃饭。

However, while many reported missing out on meals or eating irregularly during the first months of the pandemic because of food scarcity caused by panic buying and supply problems, the latest increase is put down to rising costs and poverty.然而,尽管许多人报告称,在疫情爆发的头几个月里,他们没有吃饭或饮食不规律是因为恐慌性抢购和供应问题导致食品短缺,但最新的数据上涨归因于成本上升和贫困。

Food banks are reporting that energy costs are so prohibitive for some people they request that charity food parcels that contain no food that has to be cooked using a cooker or that needs to be stored in a fridge or freezer.食品银行报告称,能源成本对一些人来说太高了,他们要求慈善食品包裹不包含任何必须使用炊具烹饪,或需要存放在冰箱或冷冻室的食物。

The rapid deterioration in food security reflects soaring energy, food and petrol prices coupled with below-inflation benefit rises. The Food Foundation said it was so shocked by its initial findings that it reran the survey on a wider basis, only to get the same results.食品安全状况的迅速恶化,反映了能源、食品和汽油价格的飙升,以及低于通胀水平的福利增长。食品基金会表示,他们对最初的调查结果感到非常震惊,所以在更广泛的基础上重新进行了调查,结果还是一样。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It predicted food insecurity figures were likely to get worse over the next few months as inflation continues to rise and the full impact of April’s national insurance rise hits family budgets along with the lifting of the energy price cap.该机构预计,随着通胀继续上升,以及4月份国民保险上调的全面影响,以及能源价格上限的取消,食品不安全数据可能在未来几个月变得更糟。

Anna Taylor, the foundation’s executive director, said: “The extremely rapid rise in food insecurity since January points to a catastrophic situation for families. Food insecurity puts families under extreme mental stress and forces people to survive on the cheapest calories, which lead to health problems.”该基金会执行董事安娜·泰勒表示:“自1月份以来,粮食不安全状况急剧恶化,这对家庭来说是一场灾难。粮食不安全使家庭面临极端的精神压力,迫使人们依靠最便宜的卡路里生存,这导致了健康问题。”

Prof Sir Michael Marmot, a public health expert at University College London, said: “If one household in seven is food insecure, society is failing in a fundamental way. These figures on food insecurity are all the more chilling because the problem is soluble, but far from being solved it is getting worse.”授伦敦大学学院的公共卫生专家迈克尔·马尔莫教表示:“如果七分之一的家庭没有粮食保障,那么这个社会就从根本上失败了。这些有关粮食不安全的数据更令人心寒,因为问题是可以解决的,但远远没有解决,反而还越来越糟。”

There is little expectation that ministers will raise benefits or expand free school meals anytime soon, despite rising public concern over the cost of living. Last week, George Eustice, the environment, food and rural affairs secretary, urged consumers to switch to value brands to save on grocery spending in response to rising food prices.尽管公众对生活成本的担忧不断上升,但大臣们不太可能在短期内提高福利或扩大免费学校供餐。上周,英国环境、食品和农村事务大臣乔治·尤斯蒂斯敦促消费者转向重视品牌的真正价值,以节省食品杂货支出,以应对食品价格上涨。

“Bless him [Eustice], he’s actually aware there are cheaper brand foods in the world. The poor man, who has lived such a sheltered life he thought 10p off a tin of beans would solve the problem,” said Kathleen Kerridge, an office manager and food activist from Portsmouth.朴茨茅斯的办公室经理和食品活动家凯思琳·凯瑞吉说:“上帝保佑他(尤斯蒂斯),他真的知道世界上还有更便宜的品牌食品。这个可怜的人,一直过着被庇护的生活,他觉得只要一罐豆子便宜10便士就能解决这个问题。”

On the food poverty frontline, charities are warning that demand for food is rising as budgets get tighter. Ellen-Scarlett Ryan, of Bassetlaw food bank in Worksop, said it supplied 24 households with food parcels on the day after Easter last month, way ahead of its previous record of 16.在食品贫困的前线,慈善机构警告说,随着预算越来越紧张,对食品的需求正在上升。沃克尔索普市巴塞特劳食品银行的艾伦-斯嘉丽·瑞恩表示,他们在上个月复活节后的第二天向24个家庭提供了食品包裹,远远超过此前16个家庭的记录。

Many of these clients had never before used food banks and were struggling with their newfound reliance on charity to feed their families, Ryan said. “We are finding people in floods of tears. They are so scared, they are at their wits’ end. It is such a difficult and emotional time.”瑞安说,这些对象中有许多人以前从未使用过食品银行,他们正在努力适应新的依赖慈善机构来养活家人的生活。“我们发现人们泪流满面。他们太害怕了,束手无策。这是一段非常困难和令人悲伤的时期。”

Households were making the food go further, she said, putting smaller portions on the table and bulking out dishes with lentils and rice. A growing number were asking for food that did not require cooking with the gas on, as they could not afford to put cash in the meter.她说,各家各户都在进一步处理食物,餐桌上的份量更少,盘子里的小扁豆和米饭更多。越来越多的人要求吃不需要开着煤气烹饪的食物,因为他们负担不起往气表里充现金。

On Monday Keith Anderson, the chief executive of Scottish Power, said a fresh support package would be vital before a further dramatic increase in the cost of gas and electricity bills due in October.苏格兰电力公司首席执行官基思·安德森周一表示,在预期10月份的天然气和电费进一步大幅上涨之前,出台一项新的支持方案至关重要。

A government spokesperson said: “We recognise the pressures on the cost of living and we are doing what we can to help, including spending £22bn across the next financial year to support people with energy bills and cut fuel duty.一位政府发言人表示:“我们认识到生活成本方面的压力,我们正在尽我们所能提供帮助,包括在下一个财政年度支出220亿英镑,以支持人们的能源账单,并削减燃料税。

“For the hardest hit, we’re putting an average of £1,000 more per year into the pockets of working families on universal credit, have also boosted the minimum wage by more than £1,000 a year for full-time workers and our household support fund is there to help with the cost of everyday essentials.”“对于遭受最严重打击的那些群体,我们每年向工薪家庭平均增加1000英镑的通用信贷,同时将全职工人的最低工资提高了1000英镑以上,并且我们用来帮助支付日常必需品费用的家庭支持基金已经就位。”


