

UNStudio提出的设计方案荣幸赢得NION办公楼国际设计竞赛,将为Groß & Partner集团打造该区域内最顶级办公楼。NION办公楼位于欧洲金融中心法兰克福正在兴建的城市综合体——欧洲区(Europaviertel),面积45,000平方米。

UNStudio’s design proposal for NION, a 45,000 m2 state-of-the-art office tower in the Europaviertel in Frankfurt, was recently selected by Groß & Partner for further development.

  • NION目标成为德国最具可持续性的办公楼之一。
  • NION will be one of the most sustainable office buildings in Germany.
  • 项目整体设计理念在技术和建筑设计上都有新的、可持续理念的突破。
  • Overall concept breaks new, sustainable ground both technically and architecturally.
  • 项目结合了ESG(Environment 环境、Social 社会、Governance 企业治理)目标和高效、节能技术。
  • Incorporates ESG objectives and highly efficient, resource-saving technology.


NION is located in the Europaviertel West, at the interface to the Europaviertel East. This lively hybrid city district, which combines residential, work and recreational facilities, has been in continual development since 2005.



“NION办公楼的全面可持续性和ESG策略从设计之初就处于核心位置” Groß & Partner集团总经理Jürgen Groß说道。“这座办公楼将为周围环境提供巨大的附加值,不仅有前沿的设计,并且为改善气候和生态环境做出贡献。”

“A comprehensive sustainability and ESG approach for NION has been at the forefront from the beginning” states Jürgen Groß, managing director of Groß & Partner. “The tower will offer great added value to its surroundings, not only in terms of design, but above all climatically and ecologically”

NION办公楼的可持续性着重体现在环境可持续和社会可持续。除了高密度的绿化布局之外,获得DGNB(德国可持续建筑评价体系、委员会)铂金认证的NION办公楼还采用了低碳承重结构。同时还将应用预制部件以及模块化支撑结构。办公楼的可持续设计进一步体现在使用可持续、可回收和循环的建筑材料。另外,通过灵活的平面布局,提高了空间利用率并实现了前瞻性。The sustainable concept for NION focuses on both environmental and social sustainability. Alongside intensive greening throughout, DGNB Platinum Certified NION employs a low-carbon load-bearing structure. Prefabricated components will be used in construction, alongside a modular supporting structure. The design further focuses on the use of sustainable, recyclable and circular construction materials. Spatial efficiency and future-proofing are achieved through the use of flexible floor plans.


The sustainable concept for NION further responds intelligently to the weather and actual demand. It incorporates a photovoltaic facade, rainwater management, geothermal heating and cooling (30%-40% cooling / 70% heating), smart building management, demand-based air conditioning and LED lighting, energy recuperating elevators, e-charging stations with intelligent load management and green and open work environments. Solar gain is minimised by way of a 50% closed facade.



NION is also designed to be socially sustainable, with specific programming that encourages communication, gathering and knowledge sharing. Additionally, semi-public use is incorporated by way of dining establishments, a bakery and a café on the ground and first upper floor, alongside the inclusion of partially public urban space in front of the base building.



除了被动式设计策略和领先的建筑技术外,景观规划也在 NION 的设计中也发挥着重要作用。

Alongside passive design strategies and state of the art building technology, greening plays a large role in the design of NION.

作为 Europa-Allee 城市绿廊不可分割的一部分,项目旨在成为绿色植物和生物多样性的载体,创造生态环境效益,同时改善微气候,进一步为游客和大楼使用者创建福祉。因此,UNStudio与OKRA景观建筑师合作,共同优化项目景观设计,促进其成为法兰克福绿化网络的重要组成部分。

As an integral part of the Europa-Allee urban green corridor, the site is intended to be a vehicle for greenery and biodiversity, bringing ecological benefits to the environment, while improving the microclimate and contributing to the well-being of visitors and users of the building. To this end, UNStudio collaborated with OKRA landscape architects in optimising the design as integral part of Frankfurt’s green network.




The structure consists of two intersecting volumes, where the northwest and southeast corners are cut away to create a striking vertical effect, emphasised by lush greenery.


The cubature responds to the proximity of surrounding buildings and to NION’s prominent position next to the park, by way of angled facade surfaces that contrast dynamically with the cut-out corners. These cut-outs taper from the seven storey base building, picking up the lines of the surrounding perimeter block development and unifying the different urban scales. The vertical intersection of the inner corner on the northwest side also divides the building into tower and podium, giving the building a more slender appearance.


While the green corners of the building create a striking focal point on the route into downtown Frankfurt, the wide facade elevations are structured by light and dark elements to create differentiation within the volume.



While the vertical green in the external articulation anchors NION within the cityscape, further greening plays an important role throughout the project. From the green lobby, to the semi-public interior space in the base, to the green zones in the office floors, which are combined with green terraces and roof gardens. All of the spaces in NION are designed to enhance the working climate and create an exciting relationship between interior and exterior.

UNStudio与Groß & Partner集团合作的位于法兰克福的另一项目FOUR Frankfurt正在如火如荼地进行施工,是欧洲最密集型城市中心发展项目之一。

UNStudio is also currently working with Groß & Partner on the currently under construction FOUR project in Frankfurt, one of the most dense inner-city developments in Europe.

项目信息 (竞赛阶段) Project Information

UNStudio: Ben van Berkel with Tina Kortmann and Stelina Tsifti, Ignacio Andres Mejia Zubillaga, Verena Lihl, Lourenco Vaz Pinto, Cristina Bolis, Ka Shin Liu, Martina Karner, Stijn Tonen, Konstantinos Chryssos, Tiia Vahula, Astrid Piber, Patrik Noome.

顾问 (竞赛阶段) Advisors

景观顾问 Landscape:

OKRA andschapsarchitecten BV

结构和外立面顾问 Structure and Facade:

Bollinger Grohmann

机电和能源顾问 MEP and Energy:

KBP Ingenieure GmbH

消防顾问 Fire Protection:

HHP Berlin

当地支持 Local Support:

Hochform Architekten Frankfurt

CGI 可视化顾问 visualisations:




