








1. 出行 transit

· Rena: Whether you enjoy it or absolutely hate it – transit is something that you can't avoid if you're going to travel. For me personally – I think it's the worst part of the trip.

· Jeff: Yeah, it can be really time-consuming and stressful, especially when you are in an English-speaking environment and are not familiar with the rules.

· 主要步骤:值机 check in、拿登机牌、托运行李、安检、候机

2. 出行尬点①:行李超重

a. 建议去航空公司官网查看要求

· 官网上会列出行李托运的要求,包括行李重量、行李件数等

· 需要注意的是,不同的航空公司,具体要求可能不一样,如果出行需要转机,尤其建议提前查看,避免转机过程中遇到行李托运尴尬

· I will go to their website and check if they have a specific weight limit and they always put their weight limit on their website. And it's very important because depending on what kind of airplane and what kind of distance you are travelling, the weight limit can be different.

· And sometimes it's about the number of cases you can check.

b. 万一不小心超重了怎么办?

· 主要看态度:面带微笑,称呼对方的名字

— How to talk them into letting you go?

· Refer to them by their first name.

· Hey, how are you doing today?

· (nervous) Uh, I think my luggage might be a little bit overweight.

· (nervous) Oh, maybe it's a little bit overweight. I'm not sure.

— Does it work every time?

· No. So sometimes if it's really a lot overweight, then they'll probably make you pay a fee.

· 罚款:$80-300 不等

c. 补救办法:把重的东西拿出来,带到飞机上

· carry on your flight

· reorganize your belongings

· Tip: 准备一个 extra bag

3. 手提行李也有限制

a. 体积限制

· 可能会要求必须能塞进某个盒子/篮子/箱子等

· Your carry-on must fit within this (plastic/iron) box.

b. 数量限制

· 一般只让带2个

· 1个可以大一点,放到上面的行李箱 overhead bin

· 另1个就是手上拿的包 handheld bag, 放在前面的椅子底下 that can fit underneath the seat in front of you

· Tip: 用 extra bag 放体积小但特别重的物品

4. 一个不常见的“小问题”

a. 看清机票,现场值机还是网上值机:提前24小时在网上值机,现场值机托运的话每件行李收取一定的费用(可能比较贵)

b. 各家航空公司的规定细则不一样

5. 出行尬点②:行李丢失

a. 有些航空公司可能会支付顾客一笔买衣服的钱

b. 转机时较多发生

c. 确认最终目的地

· Is Beijing your final destination?

· Will my luggage go (straight) to my final destination?

· My final destination is Beijing.

d. 两班飞机的航站楼不一样

· 先取行李,然后转到另一个航站楼,再 check in

· Do I need to pick up my luggage when I transfer?

· Do I need/have to check in again?

6. 转机时间 layover

a. 建议留出足够的时间

· That's why it's also important that you have a layover that is long enough. Your layover is the time you have to spend in your transfer location. I (Jeff) usually like to reserve at least 2 hours for layover.

b. 可以跟工作人员确认一下

· How long is my layover? Do/Will I have enough time? / Will it be enough time?

c. 如果机场不错,可以顺便去逛逛


check in: 值机

check one's luggage: 托运行李

check-in counter: 值机柜台

carry-on /ˈkarɪɒn/: n. 携带登机的行李

overhead bin: 头顶的行李舱

Place your luggage underneath the seat in front of you. 把手提的行李放在你前面座位的下方。

overweight /əʊvəˈweɪt/: adj. 超重的

weight limit: 重量限制


Can you let me go this one time?

Just give me a break this time.


They give me a hard time.

boarding pass: 登机牌

(boarding) gate: 登机口

transfer /transˈfəː/: vi. 转机

connecting flight: 接续的航班

final destination: 最终目的地

leg /lɛɡ/: n. 一段旅程

the first leg of the flight: 第一趟航班

the second leg of the flight: 第二趟航班

layover /ˈleɪəʊvə/: n. 转机时间

态度诚恳 保持微笑 称呼对方的名字

My luggage is a little bit overweight. Could you let me go this one time?


· Will my luggage go (straight) to my final destination?

· Do I need to pick up my luggage when I transfer?

· Do I need/have to check in again?

· How long is my layover? Do/Will I have enough time? / Will it be enough time?



bump into /bʌmp/: 偶然碰到

scenario /sɪˈnɑːrɪəʊ/: n. 情境

run into: 偶然碰到

smooth /smuːð/: adj. 顺利的

awkward /ˈɔːkwəd/: adj. 尴尬的

offend /əˈfɛnd/: vt. 冒犯

transit /ˈtransɪt/: vi. 出行

weigh /weɪ/: vt. 称重

heads-up /ˈhɛdzʌp/: n. 提醒

reorganize one's belongings /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/: 重整行李

terminal /ˈtəːmɪn(ə)l/: n. 航站楼


