

In recent years, with the rapid development of industrial robots and industrial automation, the development of domestic dispensing machine technology and downstream market demand for dispensing machine equipment, such as 3C Electronics, automotive field and so on. However, from the development of domestic dispensing machine equipment industry, domestic dispensing machine technology and international level there is still a big gap, domestic enterprise product competition is mainly concentrated in the middle and low end of the product, the industry is mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, fierce competition, high-end market is still the domestic leading enterprises and foreign brand monopoly. Overall, China's current dispensing machine equipment industry presents the following competitive characteristics.



According to the research data show that China's dispensing machine equipment production and sales enterprises, more than 600, including subordinate sales companies, and mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, the industry competition is fierce. From the point of view of enterprise regional distribution, domestic dispensing machine equipment enterprises are mainly distributed in Guangdong Province and Jiangsu Province, the total number of enterprises in the two regions accounted for more than 90%. Among them, Guangdong Province dispensing machine equipment production, sales enterprises the most, about 390, the country accounted for more than 60%. and Guangdong Province dispensing equipment enterprises to Shenzhen, the number of enterprises reached about 285, more than the entire Guangdong province dispensing equipment enterprises 70%, followed by Dongguan area, the number of dispensing equipment enterprises about 63, accounting for about 16%. Jiangsu Province for China's number of dispensing equipment enterprises the second most provinces, the province's dispensing equipment enterprises in more than 170, the country accounted for nearly 30%.


Since dispensing machine, glue machine into China, the domestic packaging market has been a monopoly of foreign packaging equipment. Until 2010, China's import of dispensing equipment market share accounted for more than 60%. In recent years, due to the rapid development of domestic industrial machinery, as well as industrial automation to promote the downstream market demand for dispensing machine equipment, domestic enterprises dispensing technology and market size have been relatively rapid development, domestic dispensing equipment market share has also increased, currently reached about 45%.




