patient 作形容词用的例句(英文单词patient作为形容词)

英文单词patient作为形容词(ajective),是“耐心的,有耐性的,能忍受的”。要全面理解,一共有6方面以上的含义:1 Bearing or enduring annoyance, difficulty, pain, or provocation with calmness 心平气和地承受,或者是忍受冒犯、困难、痛苦,或者是挑衅

例句:Beware of the fury of a patient man. 要当心容忍者的狂怒。

2 Exhibiting or marked by calm endurance of annoyance, difficulty , pain, or provocation 展现或有迹象表示冷静地忍受冒犯、困难、痛苦,或者是挑衅

例句:Be stronger, be patient, be confident and never say die. 要强大,隐忍,自信,永不言败。

patient 作形容词用的例句(英文单词patient作为形容词)(1)


3 Tolerant, understanding 宽容,善解人意

例句: He is an unfailingly leader and guide. 他永远是一位宽容大度的领袖和导师。

4 Constant, persevering 持之以恒,契而不舍

例句:She revived the failing business and made it thrive with patient industry. 她始终不渝地搞产业,使衰败的生意起死回生。

patient 作形容词用的例句(英文单词patient作为形容词)(2)


5 Capable of calmly awaiting an result or outcome, not impulsive or hasty 有能力冷静地等待某个结果或决定,不冲动,不慌张 例句:Worrying will never change the outcome. 担心永远也改变不了结局。

6 Capable of bearing or enduring annoyance, difficulty, pain, or provocation 有能力承受,或者是忍受冒犯、困难、痛苦,或者是挑衅

例句:Endure pain to do some good for someone you care about. Isn’t that what life is? 忍受痛苦为你的心上人做点好事,这不就是人生吗?

patient 作形容词用的例句(英文单词patient作为形容词)(3)



