


今天蹭一下新热点!谈一下乌克兰和俄罗斯的历史渊源, 我个人是对历史蛮感兴趣的,况且学习一门语言,了解文化也很重要。故事很长,我想先从他们的祖先罗斯人创建的基辅罗斯公国(Kievan Rus,882年~1240年)说起。


Prior to the emergence of Kievan Rus' in the 9th century AD, the lands between the Baltic Sea(波罗的海)and Black Sea were primarily populated by eastern Slavic tribes(东斯拉夫部落).

According to the Primary Chronicle(初期编年史、往年纪事), the territories of the East Slavs in the 9th century were divided between the Varangians (瓦良格人/瓦兰吉亚人)and the Khazars(可萨人,应该是突厥人). The Varangians are first mentioned imposing tribute from Slavic and Finnic tribes (芬兰部落) in 859. In 862, the Finnic and Slavic tribes in the area of Novgorod(诺夫哥德地区) rebelled against (起义反抗)the Varangians, driving them "back beyond the sea and, refusing them further tribute(进贡), set out to govern themselves(着手自治)." The tribes had no laws, however, and soon began to make war with one another, prompting them to invite the Varangians back to rule them and bring peace to the region.

The three brothers—Rurik(留里克), Sineus(西纽斯), and Truvor特鲁弗—established themselves in Novgorod, Beloozero, and Izborsk(诺夫哥罗德、贝卢泽罗和伊兹博尔斯克),respectively. Two of the brothers died, and Rurik became the sole ruler of the territory and progenitor(祖先、创始人) of the Rurik Dynasty(留里克王朝). A short time later, two of Rurik's men(两个手下), Askold and Dir, On their way south, they discovered "a small city on a hill," Kiev, captured it and the surrounding country from the Khazars, populated the region with more Varangians.(本文节选维基百科)


Drive back: 驾车返回、迫使后退

1、 On the drive back to Great Baddow, father and I discussed the meeting excitedly.在开车返回Great Baddow的途中,父亲和我兴奋地谈论着这次会

2、 Feeble German forces on the far shore were quickly driven back.守在对岸的薄弱的德军很快就被击退了。



2、Primary Chronicle: 初期编年史、往年纪事. 我的理解就是俄罗斯版的上下五千年



