
火星‬公主(10)A princes of mars ,接下来我们就来聊聊关于火星公主08?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



火星‬公主(10)A princes of mars

But when I made no attempt to speak to her. Her face grew sad and looked very small and frightened. As I watched her disappear into a building. I realized that Soila was near me. “ John Carte that woman will be saved for the great games that are held by our people. The games are long and cruel. And end in death for those captured in battle. Her death will be slow and painful. She will die for the enjoyment of all.“

可当她看到我没有表现出要和她说话的意图时,她顿时变得很沮丧。看上去非常弱小和恐惧,当我看着她消失在一栋高楼里时,我发现苏拉已经来到了我的身旁。“约翰卡特 ,那个女子将会被扣留下来,我们的族人们会给她办一场大型“游戏”--斗争会,这个过程是漫长而残忍的,将会把那些战俘折磨到死作为游戏的结束,她将会在漫长的痛苦中死去,族人们会把她死去的过程作为他们精神上的一种享受。”

Soila’s face seemed sad when said this. I could tell by the way what she spoke that she did not like the games and did not want to see the young woman die. She was very different from the rest of her people.


“Soila, do you not like the games?” “no , John carte. My mother died in the games. This is a secret you must not tell anyone. Turs, Turks found you which held eggs that produce our young. All the children belong to the tribe. A mother never knows which children is her when they came out of the egg. My mother hid the egg that carried me. It was not placed within the wall area.”

“苏拉,你不喜欢那种游戏吗?” “是的,约翰卡特,我妈妈就在这种游戏中死去的,这是个秘密人千万不要告诉任何人,塔斯.塔格斯在围有蛋的墙里发现你的地方,是我们的成长之地,所有的孩子们都属于这个部落的。当孩子们从蛋里破壳而出时,妈妈们从来都不知道哪个是她的孩子,我妈妈把装我的那只蛋藏了起来,没有放在那个墙内。

She kept the secret until after I was born. But others discovered her secret. She was condemned to die in the games. She hid me among other children before she was captured. If this secret were learned I too would die in the games. Before she left, she told me the name of myfather. I alone keep the secret. It wound mean for him as well as me. My people are violence and cruel.”


The next day. I entered a great room where the green Martians held meetings. The red woman prisoner was there too. Soon the leader of green Martians came into the room. His name was Croquis .Pommels. he began speaking to the prisoner.” Who are you? What is your name?”


