

1. Does he have a sense of humor that dovetails with yours?

1. 他的幽默感是否与你的相吻合?


2. Does he make you laugh?

2. 他能不能逗你发笑?

3. Are your waking/sleeping schedules compatible? It's a bummer to make it work when he's a perpetually early riser and you're the lie-in type.

3. 你们的睡觉习惯相契合吗?


4. Do you like the same kind of food? Drink about the same amount of alcohol?

4. 你们喜不喜欢同样的食物?酒量相当吗?

5. If you've been dating long enough for him to meet your friends and family, does he get along with them?

5. 他能否和你的朋友家人相处良好?

6. Do you have the same views about money?

6. 金钱观是否相似?

7. How well do you work together on a shared project?

7. 你们合作处理同一件事情时感觉如何?

8. Do you think he's too smart--or not nearly as smart as you?

8. 你们能相互hold住吗?


9. Do you like the way he solves problems, even minor ones?

9. 你赞不赞同他处理问题的方式?

10. Do you respect him? Does he respect you?

10. 你们相互尊重吗?

If you can answer these questions honestly and still feel good, it's entirely possible that you've met the person who's right for you. Of course there are other factors that come into play such as physical attraction, financial matters, and geography. Chances are you've already been in a relationship where the other person was less than ideally suited to you. History doesn't have to be repeated it's all up to you. But a good way to start building a solid relationship is asking yourself some questions and giving yourself some honest answers.



