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Cure a neighbor's illness. When he returned home, it was winter. He saw that the villagers on both sides of the Baihe River were emaciated, hungry and cold, and many of their ears were frozen. Poo Let his disciples set up a medical shed in Dongguan, Nanyang, set up a big pot, and give up "cold dispelling Jiaoer soup" to cure chilblain on the day of Winter Solstice. He put the mutton, the pepper and some oil together. Cold medicinal materials are boiled in a pot, then the mutton and medicine are fished out and chopped, and the bread is wrapped into ear-like "Jiao ears", which are cooked and distributed to the people who come to ask for medicine. Each person has two "Jiao ears" and a big bowl of broth. People ate "Jiao Er", drank "dispel cold soup", the whole body is warm, two ears are hot, frostbitten ears are It's cured. Later generations learned the appearance of "Jiao Er" and wrapped it into food, also known as "dumplings" or "flat food". Eating dumplings Winter Solstice is not forgetting the grace of "medical saint" Zhang Zhongjing's "cold dispelling ear soup". Up to now, there are still "Winter Solstice dumpling bowls, frozen ears and no one cares" in Nanyang. A ballad. A long time ago, there was a muddle-headed emperor in ancient China. Because a 60-year-old minister in his court made a mistake and made him unhappy, he arbitrarily believed that once people were old, they would be useless. So a muddle-headed law was laid down: When a person reaches the age of sixty, he must be buried alive, or he will implicate nine clans. Unfilial people are secretly happy for this, but filial people are secretly sad for this. In this way, the muddle-headed law laid down by the muddle-headed emperor has been enforced for many years. The news was later known by a mouse spirit in the Himalayas. It was said that the mouse spirit did not dare to eat living people at that time, but only increased its power by eating animals. When it heard the news, it was so happy that it almost fainted and shouted: "God help me!" The rat spirit dug a rat hole along the bottom of the Himalayas and came to the bottom of the palace at that time. As soon as Yousi in the palace received the list of people who were about to be buried alive, he got the news at the first time. After the person was buried alive, as soon as he stopped breathing, he went to eat the person in the shortest time, and his power increased greatly. When the rat spirit has eaten a hundred thousand fresh dead people, the rat spirit can come out at night to eat people. The news spread like wildfire that the goblins came out to eat people. The news spread to the palace. There was chaos in the palace. People fled the palace one after another. The goblins knew it and appeared in the palace that day. They ate several palace maids and guards in succession, and threatened to eat the emperor. The frightened emperor hurriedly sent down the imperial list to collect capable people to subdue demons; It was almost dark, but no one came to reveal the emperor's name. The emperor was so frightened that he almost peed his pants. Seeing that the evil spirit was about to come out, the evil spirit permeated the whole palace. It was a gloomy scene. The emperor kept scolding the ministers for their incompetence and being a group of gits. At this time, the mouse spirit hid in the dark corner and said: "Muddleheaded emperor, don't shout. You found it yourself. No one needs to complain." When the emperor heard this, he was wronged and said to the mouse spirit, "I didn't invite you to come. How can you say that I caused this?" The mouse spirit laughed wildly and said, "I've been ready to eat you since you ordered me to bury people alive. But you haven't been buried alive yet. I just thought that when I can come out to eat people alive, I'll eat you again. You're not an ordinary mortal. If I eat you, my power will increase greatly. Then I can come out to eat people during the day!" As soon as the muddle-headed emperor heard this, he suddenly realized that he should not have made this muddle-headed decree, but everything was too late, and now he had to wait for death. When there was only a little light left in the sun, someone ran in from the outside and shouted: "Someone has revealed the imperial list!"! We're saved! As soon as the emperor heard this, his excited voice changed. He got up and shouted, "Hurry up, please!"! Come on, come on! When the man came in, the emperor was stunned to see a ragged country woman standing in front of him, and without asking, he flew into a rage and shouted, "Get out of here!" Enraged, the country woman recklessly pointed at the emperor's nose and said, "You are a fatuous monarch. How many people have you harmed? You are still unrepentant when you are about to die. I think you are more terrible than the rat spirit. Let the rat spirit eat you!" Then he turned and walked away. As he spoke, the sun went down, and the huge rat spirit howler broke through the ground and opened his big mouth to rush at the emperor. By this time, the emperor was so scared that he peed his pants and had to shout for help. Three of the ladies were scared to death on the spot, and several of them fainted. At this critical moment, a "meow" came from the sleeve of the country woman, and the mouse spirit immediately turned around and fled back to the hole. Half an hour later, the mouse spirit emerged from the hole again, but his body was more than twice as small as before. He gasped for breath and stared at the emperor with two blood-red eyes. The frightened emperor shouted for help at the country woman. At this time, a "meow" came from the country woman's sleeve, and the mouse spirit shrank his head back with a "ow"; The palace immediately became silent, and people did not dare to breathe, as if the air was about to freeze. At about midnight, the mouse spirit sneaked out of the hole again, but its body had shrunk to the size of a piglet. With a pair of fierce eyes, the mouse spirit approached the emperor little by little, and suddenly jumped up and rushed to the emperor. At this critical moment, a "meow" came from the sleeve of the country woman. At the same time, a yellow civet cat broke its sleeve and rushed straight to the mouse spirit. The mouse spirit was so frightened that it immediately showed its true shape. It turned out to be an old big mouse with lost hair. Before the big mouse could recover, the civet cat bit off its neck. At this time, all the people present seemed to wake up from a nightmare and knelt down together to bow down to the country woman and thank her: "Thank the Bodhisattva for blessing!"! Thank the Bodhisattva for blessing! The country woman smiled and said to everyone, "You're making a mistake. I'm not a Bodhisattva. I'm really an ordinary woman. Get up quickly and listen to me." So this woman's name is.


