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Chapter 1

Singles Day: Alibaba sales blitz rakes in $75 billion as Chinese shake off Covid-19

——By Sherisse Pham, CNN Business

Hong Kong (CNN Business) China's annual Singles Day online shopping bonanza regularly hauls in tens of billions of dollars for Alibaba and other e-commerce and retail companies in China. This year, it's taking on new meaning as a showcase for the country's success in battling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Alibaba (BABA) said on Thursday that the annual sales frenzy broke records again, raking in 498.2 billion yuan (roughly $75 billion). The total includes an earlier three-day period that was added to boost post-pandemic sales.


rake in: 轻易地大捞 (钱财)

shake off: 摆脱;甩掉

haul in: 拉进;取得

the Covid-19 pandemic: 新冠肺炎疫情

post-pandemic sales: 疫后销售,与pre-pandemic sales 相对应

双十一购物狂欢:the Singles Day online shopping bonanza(卖家角度)

the Singles Day shopping spree/ frenzy

the annual sales frenzy

同义词替换在英文作品中非常常见,比如“rake in”与“haul in”的相互替换,“the annual sales frenzy”替换“the Singles Day online shopping bonanza”等,可以避免通篇使用相同表达而带来的乏味感。

Compared to the same timeframe as last year, this year's haul represents an increase of 26%, the company said.

Alibaba stock slides despite strong earnings, as Ant Group IPO concerns linger

"China's economy has seen a strong recovery and Chinese consumers' purchase behaviors have already returned to pre-pandemic levels, if not higher," according to Xiaofeng Wang, analyst with market research firm Forrester.

China reported positive economic growth for the second quarter in a row last month, underlining how quickly the world's second-largest economy has recovered from the pandemic.

For brands and retailers scrambling to recover from months of shuttered shops and consumers hunkered down indoors, the lucrative Chinese shopper is a much-needed bright spot. Many companies "are doubling down" on their Singles Day sales events, according to Wang.


compared to the same timeframe as last year: 与去年同期相比,常见的表达还有“compared with the same period last year”

strong earnings: 丰厚的收益

IPO: Initial Public Offering,首次公开募股

疫后中国经济和销售情况可以参考文中这句话来概括:China's economy has seen a strong recovery and Chinese consumers' purchase behaviors have already returned to pre-pandemic levels, if not higher.

in a row: 连续

scramble: 艰难地(或仓促地)完成

double down: 双倍下注

hunker down indoors: 留在室内,不要再用“stay indoors”啦

同义词替换:the world's second-largest economy 替换“China”,这是一个非常常见的表达


Chapter 2

A multibillion-dollar shopping obsession goes mainstream in China

Oliver Wyman found that while foreign brands continue to dominate popular Singles Day categories such as cosmetics and infant formula, a growing number of Chinese shoppers will buy local brands of products like electronics and smartphones this year.

"It's not patriotism ... it's just the technology, design and quality are better, therefore there is just more confidence" in Chinese brands, Penhirin said.

The Chinese government has said it is eager to stimulate domestic consumption to spur the country's economic growth. And yet the China Consumers Association, a state-backed national consumer rights group, urged for "rational consumption" during the upcoming Double 11 shopping season, according to statements it issued last week.

State-run news network CCTV called for "fewer tricks" by shopping platforms during the Singles Day shopping season, saying they should not cheat consumers.


双十一的另外几个替换词:the Double 11 shopping season;

the Singles Day shopping season;

the multibillion-dollar shopping obsession(此表达仅适用于前文已经提到过双十一的情况)

while: (对比两件事物)…而,…然而;有时可用来替换“although,though”,例如,

While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless.

infant formula: 婴儿配方食品

spur the country's economic growth: 促进国家经济增长;“spur”也可替换成“promote”

rational consumption: 理性消费

本部分介绍了两方面内容:1. 越来越多的国人开始关注国内品牌;

2. 中消协呼吁消费者理性消费

童鞋们,双十二马上就要来啦,对于同样的购物狂欢,我们不仅可以用“December 12/ Double 12”来表示,也可以用上面提到的表示“购物狂欢”的词语哦!






