


1Make some tea / coffee沏茶 / 冲咖啡
Mary was making some tea when I arrived.当我到达的时候Mary正在沏茶。


Make breakfast / lunch / dinner

做早 / 中 / 晚餐

In my family, my mom makes breakfast, my father makes lunch, and I make dinner. And we do the dishes together.在我家里,我妈妈负责做早餐,我爸爸负责做午餐,我负责做晚餐,但我们是一起洗碗。3Make a video拍摄视频
Tomorrow is my son's birthday, I will make a video at the party then.明天是我儿子的生日,到时候我会在party上拍个视频。


Photo by Plush Design Studio from Pexels

4Make a plan制定计划
I will make a plan for our summer holiday.我会为我们的暑假制定一个计划。5Make an appointment预约,约会
You'd better make an appointment with Mr. Wang so that you will have a chance to talk with him about this project.你最好和王先生预约一下,这样你就有机会和他谈一谈这个项目了。6Make a choice做选择
It is much more important to make a choice than an effort.选择比努力更重要。


7Make a decision做决定
We have to make a decision immediately because time is limited.我们必须立刻做出决定,时间已经不多了。8Make a mistake犯错
I made a mistake yesterday when I said he would lose the match.我昨天犯了一个错误,我说他将会输掉比赛。9Make a noise制造噪音
The children were making a noise when I came back home.我回到家的时候孩子们正在制造噪音。


10Make a promise做出承诺,许诺
He made a promise that he would pay his debt by the end of this year.他承诺赶今年底就偿还债务。11Make fun of sb.取笑某人
Don't make fun of her, she is the one we all should learn from.别取笑她,我们都得向她学习。12Make up one's mind下定决心
I have made up my mind to sell my apartment.我已经下定决心要卖掉我的房子。


13Make sth up编造,捏造
He made the story up so that he could encourage his son to study hard.他编造了这个故事,为的是鼓励她的儿子努力学习。14Make up for弥补,补偿
She made a promise that she would make up for the company's economic loss.她承诺会补偿公司的经济损失。15Make sense有道理,有意义
It doesn't make sense to say this to him, he never listens.对他说这些没什么意义,他根本不听。16Make one's bed收拾床铺
He makes his bed every day, he is an organized man.他每天都会收拾床铺,他是一个做事有条理的人。17Make it成功,完成
I believe you can make it.我相信你会成功的。还有更多有价值有趣味的内容,敬请关注公众号Roc_English免费获取


