busy英语单词 busybody不是大忙人

busy英语单词 busybody不是大忙人(1)



  • 1. busybody 不是 “大忙人”,而是“多管闲事的人”

如:Sara is a busybody, always poking her nose into other people’s affairs. 莎拉是个好管闲事的人,老是打听别人的事。

  • 2. black sheep 不是“黑色的羊”,而是“害群之马”

如:He is the black sheep of the family. 他是家中的害群之马。

  • 3. horse sense 不是“马的感觉”,而是“常识,普通常用的知识”

如:Some people are well educated and have read many books, but still do not have much horse sense. 有些人受过良好的教育,也度过许多书,但普通常识仍然不足。

  • 4. service station 不是“服务站”,而是专指“加油站,高速公路服务站”

如:There’s little gas in the tank, so we drove to a service station nearby at first. 油箱里油不多了,所以我们先去了附近了一个加油站。

  • 5. sweet water 不是“甜水”,而是“淡水”

如:Travelling on the sea and surrounded by water, the sailors had to save every drop of sweet water. 在海上旅行,被海水包围,水手们却必须珍惜每一滴淡水。

  • 6. capital idea不是“资本的想法”,而是“好主意”

如:Mitchell came up with a capital idea. He asked Hailey to dress up as the Tooth Fairy and let Lily give back the hundred-dollar bill. 米奇尔想到一个好主意。他让海莉装扮成牙仙,让莉莉交还那一百元钱。

  • 7. bed of roses 不是“玫瑰花床”,而是“安乐窝”

如:Life is not always a bed of roses. 生活未必都是称心如意的。

  • 8. sing the blues不是“唱布鲁斯”,而是“诉苦”

如:I just spent two hours listening to Bill sing the blues about his girl friend leaving him for some other guy. 我刚听比尔诉了两小时的苦,说他女朋友为另一个男人离开了他。

  • 9. yellow dog 不是“黄狗”,而是“卑鄙小人”

如:I dislike Tom for he is a yellow dog. 我讨厌汤姆,他是个卑鄙小人。

  • 10. an average Joe 不是“寻常的乔”,而是“平常人,普通人”

如:Although he is a famous star, he behaves like an average Joe.尽管他是一个有名的明星,他却表现得像一个普通人。


Walls ht ears 就是“墙有耳朵”?没错,这些英语可以望文生义


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