

Section B

1. talented 形容词,有才能的,有才干的

talent 名词,天资,才能,天才,人才

be talented in 在某方面有才能的

2. be the same as ……与……相同的

be different from ……与……不同的

be similar to ……与……相近的

difference 名词,差异,不同(可数、不可数皆行)

There are some differences between the two pictures.

There is some difference between the two pictures.

3. real 形容词,真的,表示”不假的”,副词形式 really,

true 形容词,真的,表示 “符合特定的标准的”,副词形式truly, 名词形式truth(真理,真相);true 还有”忠诚的,忠实的”意思.

Tell me the truth

True gold fears no fire.

Who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true mall.

4. listen 不及物动词,听,强调动作,常与介词to 搭配

hear 及物动词 ,听见,强调结果

listener 名词,聆听者,听众

hear of (间接)听说

hear from 收到某人的来信

5.care 动词/名词,关心,照顾

careful 形容词,细心的

careless 形容词,粗心的.

carefully 副词,细心地,认真地

take (good) care of = look after … (well) (好好)照顾

take care=look out 注意,小心

care about 关心,担心;介意,计较

care for 关心,担心;关怀,照顾;愿意

care to do sth. 喜欢做……, 愿意做……


6. make (made, made )动词,做,制造,生产,使……,让……

make money 挣钱

make a living 谋生

make 人(宾语) 动词原形(宾语补足语) (make sb. do sth.)使某人做某事

make 宾语 形容词(宾词补足语) (make sb. adj)使某人怎么样,宾语补足语要与宾语相一致

Don’t make her stay up late.

The boring story makes me tired.

His words make up happy.

7. for sb. 就某人而言;对某人来说;给某人;为某人准备的

This is a good chance for him.

The big desk is for our teachers.

Here is a present for you.

The square dancing is for women.

8. popular 形容词,受欢迎的,流行的,缩写成pop.

be popular with sb.受(什么)群的欢迎

be popular in sth. 在(什么方面)受欢迎

9. serious 形容词,认真的,严肃的,严重的

be serious about … 认真对待……

take … seriously 认真对待……

He has a serious illness.

He is serious about the problem.

I was only joking Why take it seriously

10. shy 形容词,怕羞的,羞怯的,腼腆的

shyness 名词,害臊,羞怯;胆怯

be shy of sth. 害羞什么


11. as long as 只要,既然,也可表达为so long as, 引导条件状语从句(只要)和原因状语从句(既然)

As long as you are honest and often help others, you can make lots of friends

as long as “长达……”, 表示物品的长度,也可指时间的长度,表此意,只有在否定句中才可表达成so long as

Her hair is as long as one meter.

12. bring out 使呈现,使表现出,取出;说出

bring out the best worst in someone 把某人最好(或最坏)一面表现或呈现出来

13. 助动词do 的用法


We don’t have classes on weekends.


Does he do his homework every day?


I don’t like bananas, but Tow does.


He did buy a book last week.

14. if 如果,引导条件状语从句


whether 是否.引导宾语从句(句首,介词后面,不定式前面,whether or not)

He won’t climb the mountain if it rains tomorrow

I don’t know whether/if he will come this afternoon.

If he comes, please tell me

Whether he will come I’m not sure

I don’t know whether or not he will come

I don’t know whether / if he will come or not

It depends on whether it will be fine

I don’t know whether to go there at once

(★)He asked me whether I’d move to New York if I got the job.

15. say (said said) 动词 ,说,讲,后接说话的内容 saying 名词,谚语


16. reach 动词 伸手,到达;联系

reach for 伸手去拿(某物)

He reached into his pocket for the keys.

17. touch 动词,感动,触摸


be touched by 被……感动

be / get in touch with 与……有(取得)联系

keep touch with 与……保持联系

Don’t touch the animal. It’s dangerous.

I was touched by his story.

18. in fact 事实上,实际上;确切地说

I thought Betty was in the garden, but in fact she was in her room

No one believed it, but in fact, Mary did pass her exam

19. break (broke, broken)动词,(使)破;打破(纪录)

broken 形容词,破碎的;打碎的;被打断的

break down 破坏;坍塌

break in 破门面入,打断(in副词)

break into 破门面入,突然……起来(into介词)

break out 战争爆发,争吵爆发;(火灾)发生

break away from 打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯

break up 打碎,拆散;分裂,分解

break the law/rule 违反法律/规章制度

break the record 打破纪录

20.share 动词/名词,共享 分享

share sth. with. sb 和某人分享某物


21. students helper wanted 需要(招聘)学生助手

↓ ↓

助手,帮手 过去分词作后置定语,表被动关系

22. be good with 与……相处融洽

=get on well with; be friendly with

Tom is very kind. He is good with students.

23. information 名词,信息,情报,不可数名词

message 名词,信息,短信,可名词

leave a message 留下消息

take a message (打电话时用)传个话,留口信

send a message 联络;联系

give sb. a message =take a message for sb. 给某人捎口信

24. write (wrote , written)动词,写

write to sb. 写信给某人

write down 写下来,记下来(动副短语)



