



1. He has helped to ___ a lot of money.他帮着筹集了很多钱。

2. My mum used to help cook the ___ for the children.我妈妈过去常帮忙给孩子做饭。

3. You can of course help by giving them a ___ directly.你当然可以通过直接向他们捐款来帮助他们。

4. If you’re not ___ to help me, I’ll find somebody who will.如果你不愿意帮我,我会去找别人。

5. Some of them have ___ for help with monthly payments.他们中有些人已经有资格获得月供补助。

6. The right style of swimsuit can help to hide, ___ or emphasize what you want it to.款式选择得当的泳装有助于按照意愿掩饰、缩小或突出某些部位。

7. Building more motorways and by-passes will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic ___ in towns and cities.建造更多的高速公路和绕城道路能够减少城镇中的污染和交通堵塞,有利于改善环境。

8. Understanding these ___ molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable.了解这些稀有分子能够帮助化学家找到可实现的目标。

9. He tries to help people with problems, but ___ believes they should do more to help themselves.他尽力帮助有困难的人,但仍坚信他们应该更加努力自救。

10. Thank you. You’ve been a ___ help already.谢谢你,你已经帮了大忙了。

11. Jerry and Lise know their romance ___ hurt on others, but they can’t help themselves.杰里和丽丝知道他们的恋情会对别人造成伤害,但他们情难自己。

12. I could not help but think this is a very ___ life.我忍不住会认为这是一种非常怪异的生活。

13. If there’s anything I can do to help, just ___ me a call.如果需要我帮忙,就给我打个电话。

14. I helped her to carry her ___ up the stairs.我帮她把箱子拎上了楼。

15. She helped him ___ some new clothes.她帮他挑了一些衣服。

16. These ___ products help you to relax and sleep.这些草药产品有助于放松和睡眠。

17. She was coming to help ___ the machine.她要来帮忙擦洗机器。

18. Can I help you with the washing ___?我来帮你洗碗好吗?

19. My father said he’s going to help me with the ___.父亲说费用问题他会帮我解决的。

20. Here, let me help you ___ with your coat.来,我帮你穿上外套吧。

21. She helped the old man ___ the road.她搀扶老人过马路。

22. Crying won’t ___.哭是无济于事的。

23. If you get ___ of your car you could be helping the environment.假如你处理掉汽车,说不定会有助于改善环境。

24. It helps my ___ if I listen to music while I’m working.我工作时听音乐更容易集中思想。

25. It helped a lot to know that someone understood how I ___.知道有人理解我的感受,我感觉好多了。

26. Eight hours of ___ sleep helped enormously.八小时酣睡非常有好处。

27. Please help yourself ___ some cakes.请随便吃些蛋糕。

28. Obviously he had been helping ___ to the money.他显然一直在偷钱。

29. She couldn’t help it if she was being ___.她不理智的时候自己也无法控制。

30. ‘Stop ___ your nails.’ ‘I can’t help it.’ “别咬指甲啦,”“我忍不住。”


31. I can’t help the way I ___ about you.我无法控制对你的感情。

32. Lee could not help but agree ___ her.李只得同意了她的意见。

33. I can’t help ___ that there has been a mistake.我总觉得什么地方出了错。

34. I couldn’t help ___ about the past.我不禁回想起过去。

35. She knew she sounded just like her mother but she couldn’t ___ herself.她知道自己的语气就像她的母亲,但就是无法控制自己。

36. She said she had to ___ him for a while, it couldn’t be helped.她说她不得不暂时离开他,那是没有办法的事。

37. I am helping the police with their ___.我在协助警方调查。

38. She’s been giving me a helping ___ with the children.她一直在帮我照顾孩子。

39. ‘Are you going to watch the school play?’ ‘___ if I can help it.’“你会去学校看话剧表演吗?”“能不去就不去。”

40. ‘Good luck.’ ‘God help me. I think I’m going to need ___.’“祝你好运。”“上帝保佑我,我想我真的需要好运。”

41. Is there anything I can ___ to help?有什么可以帮忙的吗?

42. Dad, I can’t do my homework. ___ you help me?爸爸,我不会做家庭作业,帮帮我好吗?

43. She asked a few questions to help the conversation ___.她提了一些问题来引导谈话的进程。

44. Do you need anyone to help ___ in the shop?店里的事你需要有人帮一把吗?

45. I ___ her out when Stella became ill.斯特拉生病时我分担了她的工作。

46. She was helping him out with his mortgage ___.她在帮助他偿还抵押贷款。

47. Thank you ___ all your help.感谢你所有的帮助。

48. Do you want any help ___ the washing-up?你要人帮忙洗碗吗?

49. I could do with some help to bring the bags in ___ of the car.我要人帮忙把袋子拿到车的前排来。

50. She asked for my help in getting an ___ with her.她请我帮忙争取一个采访她的机会。

51. We ___, with the help of a nurse who comes daily.有一个护士每天都来,在她的帮助下我们勉强应付。

52. That map isn’t much ___.那张地图不太管用。

53. I managed to make myself ___ with the help of a phrase book.在短语手册帮助下我勉强让别人明白了我的意思。

54. Let me know if I can be ___ any help to you.如果我能帮上你的忙就说一声。

55. Any information would be a ___ help.任何信息都会非常有用。

56. You’ve been a ___ help to me, Carrie.你真是帮了我大忙了,卡丽。

57. A lot of these children need ___ help.许多这样的儿童需要专业人士的帮助。

58. We received ___ help from the police.我们没有得到警察的帮助。

59. Do you want me to ___ you some help?你要我帮忙吗?

60. He asked for help with the ___.他请人帮忙打扫。


61. Some of the older patients need help with ___.有些年长患者走路需要搀扶。

62. She ___ no help from her husband.她得不到丈夫的帮助。

63. The taxi driver ___ his help and we accepted.出租车司机主动帮忙,我们接受了。

64. The government should ___ more to provide help for people who are looking for work.政府应采取更多措施,向求职者提供帮助。

65. The police are appealing for help to ___ down the killer.警方发出呼吁,要求协助追查杀人凶手。

66. She ___ the help of a private investigator to find her missing son.她请了一名私人侦探来帮她寻找失踪的儿子。

67. I was a classroom helper at the local ___ school.我是当地小学的课室助理。

68. Thank you for your ___; it’s been very helpful.谢谢你的建议,它非常有用。

69. It is ___ to discuss your problems with your friends.和朋友商量自己的问题很有帮助。

70. It is helpful for family members to ___ a basic understanding of the illness.家庭成员了解这一疾病的基本知识很有帮助。

71. The staff in London office are helpful but only have ___ information.伦敦办事处的工作人员给与了帮助,但他们掌握的信息有限。

72. They had ___ provided us with instructions on how to find the house.他们为我们提供了帮助,告诉我们如何找到那座房子。

73. The level of ___ and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.规模较小的商店专业得多,对顾客也体贴得多。

74. The catalog includes helpful information on the different bike models ___.目录中包括了在售的各种型号自行车的有用信息。

75. It is often helpful to have your ___ in the room when major news is expected.等待重大消息时最好有配偶在场。

76. The following information may be ___ to readers.下列消息可能对读者有用。

77. It took a generous helping of ___ confidence to preserve during the incident.在这一事件中坚持下来是有充足的创业信心的。

78. Parents often feel helpless, knowing that all the ___ in the world won’t stop the tears.父母经常感到无能为力,因为他们知道无论多少次拥抱也无法阻止眼泪。

79. Children are ___, and he was helpless to do anything.孩子们已奄奄一息,而他却无力做任何事情。

80. Once aboard we were soon helpless with ___ at the absurdity of it.一上飞机我们就按捺不住,大笑这件事情的荒唐。

81. It is helpful if we ___ a few key questions here.如果我们在这里解决一些关键问题会很有用的。

82. We hope this ___ has been helpful in answering your questions.我们希望这份传单对回答你们的问题有帮助。

83. Our sales ___ are there to give you helpful advice.我们的销售人员随时为你们提供有用的建议。

84. She’s a ___ child.她是个乐于助人的孩子。

85. I’m only ___ to be helpful.我只是想帮忙。

86. He gave me a double ___ of pie.他给了我双份馅饼。

87. He began to feel ___ and helpless.他开始觉得沮丧、无助。

88. We are very angry at a ___ attack on a helpless victim.一名无助受害者遭到残暴攻击,我们感到十分气愤。

89. Newman ___ out a hand in a helpless gesture.纽曼伸出手做了个无助的手势。

90. He was near to ___, and I was helpless with fear.他即将死去,我无法抑制心中的恐惧。

91. We both collapsed into ___ giggles.我们俩都控制不住地咯咯发笑。

92. Organizing the school trip will be a lot of work, so I need some ___ to help out.组织学校旅游事情很多,因此我需要一些志愿者来帮帮忙。

93. My parents have helped us out on several ___ by sending us money.我父母几次寄钱为我们救急。

94. He was employed to assist the manager in his ___.他受聘协助经理处理工作。

95. Some of the guests ___ with the preparation of the food.有些客人帮忙准备食物。

96. Coffee can ___ concentration.咖啡有助于集中注意力。

97. Fennel aids the ___.茴香帮助消化。

98. There are plenty of materials to ___ the teacher.有许多材料是老师用得上的。

99. Can you give me a ___ moving the these boxes?你能帮我搬一下这些箱子吗?

100. Scott is moving on Saturday and we ___ to lend a hand.斯科特星期六要搬家,我们答应去帮忙。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 raise 2 meals 3 donation 4 willing 5 qualified 6 minimize 7 jams 8 rare 9 firmly 10 great 11 inflicts 12 queer 13 give 14 cases 15 choose 16 herbal 17 clean 18 up 19 fees 20 on 21 across 22 help 23 rid 24 concentration 25 felt 26 deep 27 to 28 himself 29 irrational 30 biting 31 feel 32 with 33 feeling 34 thinking 35 help 36 leave 37 enquiries 38 hand 39 Not 40 it 41 do 42 Will 43 along 44 out 45 helped 46 repayments 47 for 48 with 49 front 50 interview 51 manage 52 help 53 understood 54 of 55 greatest 56 real 57 professional 58 no 59 give 60 cleaning 61 walking 62 gets 63 offered 64 do 65 track 66 enlisted 67 primary 68 advice 69 helpful 70 gain 71 limited 72 helpfully 73 expertise 74 available 75 spouse 76 helpful 77 entrepreneurial 78 cuddles 79 dying 80 laughter 81 address 82 leaflet 83 staff 84 helpful 85 trying 86 helping 87 depressed 88 victims 89 threw 90 death 91 helpless 92 volunteers 93 occasions 94 duties 95 assisted 96 aid 97 digestion 98 aid 99 hand 100 promised


