
abut (əˈbʌt) vta(表加强) but(border[边界、边境]异化):靠近边境的,即【接界,毗邻】,我来为大家科普一下关于gre高分词汇必备?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



abut (əˈbʌt) vt

a(表加强) but(border[边界、边境]异化):靠近边境的,即【接界,毗邻】

To be adjacent to; border on; end at

abut (up) against

To lean or press onto something else.

That tree is abutting up against your roof—you need to have someone come and take it down.树抵到屋顶了,得叫个人来砍掉。

abysmal (əˈbɪzməl) adj


abysmally adv

academician (ˌæk ə dəˈmɪʃ ən, əˌkæd ə-) n.

academic(学术的;理论的;学院的) ian(名词性,表人):院士;学会会员

accede (ækˈsiːd) vb

ac(表加强) ced(走):要想过此路,留下买路财。即给钱才【同意】你走。

to enter upon or attain (to an office, right, etc): the prince acceded to the throne王子继承了王位。【进入或获得(担任职务、权利等)】

accentuate (ækˈsɛn tʃuˌeɪt) vt

accent([音调]) u ate(动词性):音调更有动感,即【重读;强调】

=emphasize, stress, highlight, accent, underline, bring home, underscore, foreground, foreground, give emphasis to, call or draw attention to His shaven head accentuates his large round face. 他剃光了的头凸显了他的大圆脸。

accessible (əkˈsɛsəbəl) adj

access(进入) ible(形容词性,表能。。。的):可进入的,easy to approach, enter, use, or understand【易接近的;易进入的;易使用的;易理解的】

accessible to: likely to be affected by; open to; susceptible to【易受影响的】

obtainable; available【可获得的;可用的】

easy for disabled people to enter or use【无障碍的】accessible room【酒店】无障碍房间

accessory (ækˈsɛs ə ri) n., pl. -ries, adj.

a subordinate or supplementary part or object that adds to convenience, attractiveness, safety, etc.【附属的;辅助性的;次要的】

an article of dress, as gloves or earrings, that completes or enhances one's basic outfit.【配饰;零配件】


=extra, addition, supplement, convenience, attachment, add-on, component, extension, adjunct, appendage, appurtenance

an accessory for an automobile:汽车配件

=adornment, trimming, trim, decoration, ornament, accompaniment, frill, festoon, embellishment

Her accessories include ear-rings, a necklace and a handbag:她的配饰包括耳环、项链和手提包。

=accomplice, partner, ally, associate (in crime), assistant, helper, colleague, collaborator, confederate, henchman, abettor

She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds: 她被指控为挪用资金的从犯.


1. supplementary, extra, additional, accompanying, secondary, subordinate, complementary, auxiliary, abetting, supplemental, contributory, ancillary

Minerals are accessory food factors required in maintaining health:矿物质是维持健康所需的辅助食物因素。

acclaim (əˈkleɪm)

ac(表加强) claim(声称;宣称;主张(权力))


1. to greet publicly with loud or enthusiastic approval or praise【称赞】

a widely acclaimed book 一本广受好评的书

2. to announce or proclaim with enthusiastic approval【宣布】

He was acclaimed the king.他被认命为王


3. to make acclamation; applaud 【鼓掌】


4. enthusiastic approval or praise【表扬;称赞】


