
“Wen Guang solo exhibition”“幻·观念”文廣个展,我来为大家科普一下关于art绘画作品?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



“Wen Guang solo exhibition”


策展人 汤浩

Curated by Tang Hao

展览时间 | Duration

2021.10.10(周日)- 2021.11.9(周二)

展览开幕 | Opening


地址 | Address

上海市南京西路399号 明天广场JW万豪酒店裙楼5/6楼灰墙艺术空间

No.1 Greywalls Art Space.5/6F JW Marriott,Tomorrow Square,No.339 Nanjing West Road ,Shanghai


Article/Tang Hang



There are more and more contracted artists of Greywalls Art with different styles. However, if it is consistent with the artistic temperament of Greywalls, Wen Guang, the young artist holding this solo exhibition, must be in the forefront. Wen Guang has quite an experimental spirit. Since graduated from the Murals Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he has been exploring different expression methods and creative paths, and a new series is born almost every year. This exhibition is about the new works created by Wen Guang in recent two years, and he has just moved from Beijing to Shanghai in the last year. It can be said that these works intuitively reflect the changes of the artist's creative intention after the epidemic and migration. Therefore, the title of this solo exhibition contains a concept layer of changing mind.



Wen Guang's works give people the first impression of illusion. This illusion is not only reflected in the illusory treatment of the picture, but also in the dreamland structure of the content. However, my personal interpretation (for your reference only) is that the illusion of the picture serves the illusion of the content, and the illusion of the content is the artist's real intention. Each of Wen Guang's concrete works is a summary of his thinking, which may be about philosophy, life, or major events happening around him. All the images, structures and symbols in the picture, even light and color, are his questions, answers, and the processes about this thinking. The difficulty is that these elements that constitute a thought cannot appear on the same occasion or in the same time and space in the real world. Therefore, Wen Guang cleverly adopted the scene of dream to reasonably and harmoniously summarize everything we want to express, so we saw the dreamy artistic effect of painting. As for what the colorful images, structures, symbols, light, shadow and color in the picture express respectively, it depends on everyone's own understanding. Freud said: Dream is the Satisfaction of Desire. The artist published a problem called "The Interpretation of Dreams", which makes collectors who like philosophy and psychology not only appreciate art, but also increase the fun of solving the problem. Or Wen Guang hopes that each viewer can form their own unique understanding, not the same as the original intention of the artist's creation, and their own work is always the best, so this work has become the only original owned by the viewer, and there is no piracy.



When it comes to the painting expression of dreams, everyone will soon think of the Surrealist master Salvador Dali. Wen Guang's creative style can also be classified into the Surrealist school, but there are no distorted objects similar to the soft-bodied wall clock in his picture. What he arranged are similar to the bridge section of the movie Life of Pi, where the main character lives in a boat with the tiger in the vast ocean, It can be said that Wen Guang's surrealism has expanded from the symbolic meaning of a single object to the illustrative doctrine of behavior and events. To some extent, it is a breakthrough of schools and the contribution of Wen Guang to the evolution of art.



There are also many works without concrete images in this exhibition. They are also masterpieces of Wen Guang’s evolution experiment of art, because they are an artistic expression combining hyper realism and abstraction. Yes, it's hyper realism, not surrealism. These works, at a glance or appreciated from a distance, will give people a feeling of abstract painting. They are similar to Richter's works, but they convey more rules and frequencies than the works of the abstract master. Another difference is the use of color and luster. Wen Guang’s works reveal a pleasant fashion atmosphere, with bright pictures and colors, youth but grace. When we move closer to the works, we will find more and more clearly that the paintings of those works are actually very fine. We see that raindrops slide a water stain on the window glass due to the pulling of speed, see the colorful neon flashing behind the fog glass, and see that the twisted and intertwined lines are actually three-dimensional pipelines, These are absolutely hyper real painting techniques. Two distinct schools were integrated into one work. Wen Guang not only understood the art theory, but also tried to integrate them in practice, trying to break the established school division in art history.


Wen Guang has been making great strides on the road of art experiment. CHANGING, the theme of this exhibition, is not only a summary of Wen Guang's art experiment in the past two years, but also an encouragement to his future artistic pursuit. We believe that he will bring us endless surprises. Such young artists are highly praised by Graywalls Art and should be loved and affirmed by collectors.


AFI STYLE IP 艺术家 | 文 廣


